Niche – a genetics survival game The Grassy Tribe Goddess & Rules

Niche – a genetics survival game The Grassy Tribe Goddess & Rules 1 -
Niche – a genetics survival game The Grassy Tribe Goddess & Rules 1 -

Are you bored and want a new challenge? Well, this is the guide for you! This guide will walk you through the rules, religion, and more!
Grass luck in your journey!


The Grassy Tribe is a follower of the goddess Graci! They believe in no other deities, however. Graci was formed out of energy and stars! Graci created everything, trees, plants, animals, EVERYTHING! The first thing she EVER thought of creating was grass, hence why the Grassy Tribe members practically worship it. Graci has double moss brown fur, 1 nimble fingers, blue eyes (double), big body, hind legs, and short snout.


Of course, the Grassy Tribe has rules they follow (and you follow, too!) This section (of course) will be listing the rules. Try not to go too crazy on removing/adding rules, because it could alter the challenge completely.
-Respect nature as much as possible
-NO PICKING GRASS, permanent grass is an exception because it is considered blessed by Graci herself.
-No destroying berry bushes.
-No eating meat. If a predator attacks you first, it’s okay to kill it, BUT ONLY IF IT ATTACKED YOU FIRST. You may also eat meat if it was already dead OR if you are starving.
-Don’t waste food. You ALWAYS have to pick up already killed meat, unless a bearyena or whatever takes it first.
-Be careful of nesting material! You can’t pick normal grass, remember?
-Permanent nests are considered blessed
-Respect others
-No harming fellow nichelings, rouge males are no exception (even if they ruin everything. Graci was very peaceful.)
-No leaving islands (Stay on grass adventure, that was the first island Graci ever created)
-Have fun! It’s okay to alter rules, but like I said earlier, try avoiding that! 🙂

Written by immaduck50

Here we come to an end for Niche – a genetics survival game The Grassy Tribe Goddess & Rules hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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