How to Upgrade Crafting Bench in LEGO Fortnite

How to Upgrade Crafting Bench in LEGO Fortnite 4 -
How to Upgrade Crafting Bench in LEGO Fortnite 4 -

How to Upgrade Crafting Bench in LEGO Fortnite

Hey there, LEGO Fortnite fans! Want to step up your game? You’re gonna love this. The heart of your adventure is **crafting and building**. And what’s at the center of it all? Your trusty **Crafting Bench**. But hey, to keep winning, you’ve got to keep upgrading. It’s like leveling up in real life – takes a bit of effort and some exploring.

First Steps: Gather, Build, and Unlock

How to Upgrade Crafting Bench in LEGO Fortnite 2 -
How to Upgrade Crafting Bench in LEGO Fortnite 2 –
How to Upgrade Crafting Bench in LEGO Fortnite 3 -
How to Upgrade Crafting Bench in LEGO Fortnite 3 –

Ready to start? First off, gather **wood and granite**. How? Just punch those plants and scoop up all the goodies you find. Once you’ve got enough, boom – you unlock the **Crafting Bench recipe**. What do you need? Just **three pieces of wood and five pieces of granite**. Easy, right? Now, pop open your **Build menu** (look for the button in the bottom left of your screen) and plonk down your Crafting Bench. Tip: Put it near a **Campfire**. Trust me, it’s super handy at night.

Time to Upgrade and Explore

Got your bench ready? Great! Head over, hit the magic button, and voila – your Crafting Bench menu. You’ll see two cool sections: **Crafting Recipes** and **Bench Upgrade**. That upgrade part? It’s where the magic happens, showing you how to pimp out your bench and get new recipes for awesome stuff like **”intermediate tools, weapons, survival gear, and fancy accessories.”** But here’s the kicker: you won’t find these upgrades just lying around your starting area. Time to gear up and **explore**! Bring some pals – it’s more fun, and you gather materials way faster. Plus, sharing resources? It’s a game-changer.

So, there you have it, friends! Follow these steps, and you’ll be the master of your LEGO Fortnite world in no time. Happy crafting!

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