FLERP All Units & Classes Overview Guide

FLERP All Units & Classes Overview Guide 1 - steamsplay.com
FLERP All Units & Classes Overview Guide 1 - steamsplay.com

We will not go into detail about all the combinations.
They are listed per class and marked * to indicate their cost.
You will find the following information in the blaze section:
Inferno *** +Chainer
Meaning Inferno includes blaze and chainer Costing 3 Coins
It will have a +blaze in the chainer list.
I don't know if I can catch them all, but I suspect that the guardian lists is missing some. Let me know if there is anything wrong or missing.


Bonus ad 3/6
Arcane missle may hit 3/6 additional targets
Wizard *
Windcaster ** +Wind
Witch ** +Summoner
Battle mage *** +Dualist
Curser *** +Shadow
Icecaster **** Frost
Sorcerer **** +Chainer


Bonus ad 2/4/6
+ 2/4/6 damage per sec.
Arsonist *
Volcanist ** +Controler
Doomsayer *** +Shadow
Inferno *** +Chainer
Pyromaniac *** +Controller
Solar knight *** +Dualist +Warrior
Phoenix **** Mythical


Bonus ad 3/6
+3/6 chain count
Prisoner *
Warlock ** +Shadow
Inferno *** +Blaze
Stormbringer *** +Wind
Lich **** +Frost
Sorcerer **** +Arcane


Bonus Ad 2/4
+ 20/40 % attack size
Blizzardess ** +Frost
Cannoneer ** -Pirate
Volcanist ** +Blaze
Pyromaniac *** +Blaze
Tempest +Wind
Scarecrow **** -Shadow


Bonus Ad 2/4
+25/50 Armor pen
Hero ** +Warrior
Battle mage *** +Arcane
Outlaw *** +Pirate
Windblade +Wind
Solar knight *** +Warrior +Blaze


Bonus Ad 2/4
Chills are 20/40% stronger
Blizzardess ** +Controler
Frostlord ** +Summoner
Arctic knight *** +Warrior
Yeti *** +Mythical
Icecaster **** +Arcane
Lich **** +Chainer


Bonus ad 2
Get taunted
Gargoyle ** +Shadow
Warden ** +Support
Paladin *** +Warrior


Bonus ad 4
+1 Slot
Fairy *** +Support
Yeti *** +Frost
Devil **** +Shadow
Phoenix **** +Blaze
Wyvern **** +Wind


Bonus Ad 2/4
Gain +1% / 2% damage per gold (max 50%/100%)
Buccaneer * +Warrior
Cannoneer ** +Controler
Quartermaster ** +Support
Outlaw *** +Dualist
Captain **** *Summoner


Bonus ad 2/4/6
+ 15/30/45%
Imp *
Evil eye ** +Support
Gargoyle ** *Guardian
Necromancer ** +Summoner
Warlock ** +Chainer
Curser ** +Arcane
Doomsayer *** +Blaze
Raven *** +Wind
Devil **** +Mythical
Scarecrow **** -Controller


Bonus ad 2/4/6
+100/200/300 minion damage
Birdkeeper ** +Wind
Frostlord ** Frost
Necromancer ** +Shadow
Warleader ** +Warrior
Witch ** +Arcane
Captain **** *Pirate


Bonus Ad 2/4
20/40% buff strenght
Evil eye ** +Shadow
Quartermaster ** +Pirate
Warden ** +Guardian
Fairy *** +Mythical
Skymaiden *** +Wind


Bonus ad 2/4/6
+20%/40%/60% of damage
Buccaneer * +Pirate
Cloud Knight ** +Wind
Hero ** +Dualist
Warleader ** +Summoner
Arctic knight +Frost
Paladin *** +Guardian
Solar knight *** +Dualist +Blaze


Bonus ad 2/4/6
+ 20/40/60% attack speed
Birdkeeper ** +Summoner
Cloud Knight ** +Warrior
Windcaster ** +Arcane
Raven *** +Shadow
Skymaiden *** +Support
Stormbringer *** +Chainer
Tempest +Controller
Windblade +Dualist
Wyvern **** Mythical


Written by liosalpha

Here we come to an end for FLERP All Units & Classes Overview Guide hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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