EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained!

EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained! 1 - steamsplay.com
EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained! 1 - steamsplay.com

This is a quick exploratory guide on the Trace Cosmos Landmark in EVE Online. Published as a Work in Progress.


This is going to be a really quick exploration guide for EVE Online – [steampowered.com]  that notes one of the newer landmarks I have discovered in the game. It should be noted that this guide won’t have much for content itself unless the landmark evolves into more content in game. Please consider this guide a work in progress, and add it to favorites to check back!

Information on the Trace Cosmos Landmark

The Trace Cosmos Landark is a recent edition to the system of Gererique in the Solitude region. One important thing to note about the landmark is the animation that these black holes give to the backdrop.

EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained! - Information on the Trace Cosmos Landmark - 1432FF6

Map location shown on the left, information on the way point found on right. and printed below…

“The fields of Trace Cosmos hold miniscule black holes and weird spatial rifts, making it much too dangerous to traverse. It is widely believed that the fields are the remnants of a massive collision between two galaxies millions of years ago. The colossal occurrence permanently altered the areas most affected, turning them into barren death traps.”

Screenshots of the Trace Cosmos Landmark

These are some screenshots of the landmark that immediately got my attention in the backdrop of Solitude’s normal view of space. You’ll notice that I am panning the screen a bit to the right with every screenshot. Think of this as an unofficial panoramic image!

EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained! - Screenshots of the Trace Cosmos Landmark - 12B9C58

EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained! - Screenshots of the Trace Cosmos Landmark - 8918610

EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained! - Screenshots of the Trace Cosmos Landmark - E5B6586

EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained! - Screenshots of the Trace Cosmos Landmark - 9803E8C

EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained! - Screenshots of the Trace Cosmos Landmark - 7748217

Don’t mind the Probes.

Related Waypoint

There is a spot you can warp to on your overiew called the Duvolle Gravitational Wave Observatory that seems to be related to the encounter of the Trace Cosmos landmark.

EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained! - Related Waypoint - 77ED8EB

This is a cropped screenshot of the selected item.

EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained! - Related Waypoint - 118A4D2

The location reveals what appears to be a dormant Gallente station with some specialized equipment nearby.

I should mention there is nothing really of interest at the waypoint. No rats. No loot. Just pixels.

EVE Online Guide Index

Previously, I listed the few EVE Online related guides I had created here. For simplicity, I have since opted to create what I call a EVE Online Guide Index. This is essentially another guide that points to the EVE Online guides I have created. If you like any of my other guides, please feel free to rate them up!

Other Published Steam Guides

You can check out all of my Published Steam Guides here – [steamcommunity.com] , the following guides I feel are related in one way or another.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=202362272 – [steamcommunity.com]

EVE Online Basic Information for Trace Cosmos Landmark Explained! - Other Published Steam Guides - 73DF027

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