All Equipment and Gear in Lethal Company

All Equipment and Gear in Lethal Company 2 -
All Equipment and Gear in Lethal Company 2 -

All Equipment and Gear in Lethal Company

Welcome, brave explorers! If you’re diving into the dangerous world of Lethal Company, you’re gonna need the right tools for the job. This guide breaks down every piece of equipment and gear you’ll encounter, from life-saving essentials to fancy ship decorations. Let’s gear up and get ready to survive!

Quick Answer: Essential Gear for Lethal Company

The must-have equipment for Lethal Company includes the Walkie-Talkie for communication, Flashlight for visibility, and Pro-Flashlight for extended illumination. Specialized gear like the Lockpicker, Boombox, and TZP-Inhalant offer unique advantages, while weapons such as the Shovel and Zap Gun provide defense against threats.

Survival Essentials: Your Lifeline in the Dark

When you’re creeping through abandoned facilities or dodging alien monstrosities, these tools will be your best friends:

  • Walkie-Talkie: This isn’t your grandpa’s old radio. The Walkie-Talkie is your lifeline to your team. Use it to coordinate strategies, warn about dangers, or even distract monsters. But watch out – it’s got a battery life of 12 minutes and 30 seconds, and those critters can hear you chatting. Remember to flip it off when you’re trying to be stealthy!
  • Flashlight: When the lights go out (and they will), you’ll be glad you brought this along. It’s your basic illumination tool, perfect for those heart-stopping moments in the dark. Just keep in mind, it’s got a short battery life of 2 minutes and 20 seconds. Oh, and it makes a pretty noticeable click when you turn it on or off – not ideal when you’re trying to sneak around!
  • Pro-Flashlight: Got some extra credits burning a hole in your pocket? Upgrade to this bad boy. It’s brighter, covers more ground, and lasts for a whopping 4 minutes and 45 seconds. Still needs batteries though, and it’s just as noisy as its little brother.

Specialized Gear: Tools of the Trade

Every job needs the right tool, and exploring in Lethal Company is no different. Check out these specialized pieces of equipment:

  • Lockpicker: Forget fumbling with keys – this automated marvel will pop open any door in 30 seconds flat. Just be aware, it’s a hefty 16 lbs, so you might not want to lug it around all the time.
  • Boombox: More than just a relic from the ’80s, this portable stereo can be a lifesaver. Use it to distract enemies or as a noisy beacon for your team. It’ll keep the tunes going for 5 minutes and 40 seconds before the batteries give out.
  • TZP-Inhalant: Need a quick boost? Take a whiff of this stuff and you’ll be zooming around for 22 seconds. It cuts down on stamina loss and speeds you up, but watch out – it messes with your vision and makes you sound like you’ve been sucking helium. Use with caution!
  • Jet-Pack: Ever dreamed of soaring through the air? Well, dream smaller. This Jet-Pack won’t win any races, but it’ll get you airborne. Just don’t expect to carry anything heavy while you’re flying.
  • Key: Sometimes, the old ways are the best. This trusty metal key will unlock doors without any fuss. The catch? It’s single-use, and you’ll have to find it during your missions.
  • Laser Pointer: Perfect for pointing out dangers or just messing with your friends. It’s got a decent battery life of 140 seconds and won’t make any noise when you’re checking for drop-offs.
  • Extension Ladder: Need to reach high places? This ladder’s got you covered. Just be ready for a noisy surprise – it’ll collapse on its own after 20 seconds with a loud clatter.

Offensive Gear: Fight Back Against the Darkness

Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense. When things get hairy, these weapons might just save your skin:

  • Shovel: Who says a shovel is just for digging? This 19 lb wonder costs 30 credits and can whack smaller enemies into next week. Just don’t try to take on the big guys with it!
  • Stop-Sign: Nothing says “back off” like a metal sign to the face. At 21 lbs, it packs a punch against smaller threats. Plus, it looks hilarious when you’re swinging it around.
  • Stun Grenade: Need a breather? Toss one of these bad boys and watch most enemies freeze for five glorious seconds. Just remember, it takes three seconds to go off after you pull the pin, and some of the bigger nasties might shrug it off.
  • Zap Gun: Channel your inner mad scientist with this electrifying weapon. For 400 credits, you get a lightweight 11 lb gun that can fire 10 shots before needing a new battery. Just try not to shock yourself in the process!

Deck Out Your Ship: Home Sweet Space Home

Your ship isn’t just transportation – it’s your home away from home. Make it cozy with these additions:

  • Loud Horn: For 200 credits, you can announce your arrival (or departure) in style. It’s great for getting your team’s attention or just annoying the heck out of them.
  • Teleporter: The ultimate escape plan. For 375 credits, you can zap yourself back to the ship in an instant. Just remember, your gear stays behind, so use it wisely!

Cosmetic Items: Look Good, Feel Good

Who says you can’t be stylish while fighting for survival? Check out these unique cosmetic items:

Item Description
Table This isn’t just any table. Rumor has it an Australian gambler crafted it, hiding secrets only a shadowy group knows. Spooky!
TV A mysterious screen showing weird kid’s shows linked to ‘The Company’. Don’t stare too long, or you might see things you can’t unsee.
Toilet When nature calls in space, answer with this high-tech Nanotrasen toilet. Listen closely, and you might hear Todd Howard’s voice. (We’re not kidding!)
Cozy Lights These outdoor lights can survive a lightning strike and add a touch of home to your ship. Just don’t try to take them on missions!
Shower Because even in space, hygiene matters. Perfect for washing off the grime of your latest near-death experience.
Clown Horn Found during salvage runs, this horn honors the Honk Mother. Great for lightening the mood when things get too intense.
Air Horn The ultimate prank tool. Plus, it’s got a secret trick at the company sales desk. What could go wrong?
Green Suit Stand out in style with this sleek, green space suit. It’s fashion-forward and functional!
Hazard Suit Safety first! This yellow hazmat suit is ready for whatever the universe throws at you.
Pajama Suit Sometimes, you just want to be comfy. This blue, polka-dotted suit says, “I’m ready for danger… or a nap.”

Personal Anecdote: My First Lethal Company Adventure

I’ll never forget my first mission in Lethal Company. There I was, armed with nothing but a flashlight and a dream, creeping through a dark corridor. Suddenly, my batteries died. In a panic, I fumbled for my Walkie-Talkie, accidentally broadcasting my terrified whimpers to the entire team. Just as I was about to give up hope, my buddy showed up with a Pro-Flashlight, saving the day. Lesson learned: always pack extra batteries… and maybe some clean underwear.

Final Thoughts: Gear Up and Survive!

There you have it, folks – everything you need to know about the equipment and gear in Lethal Company. Whether you’re zapping aliens with your Zap Gun or just trying to find the bathroom with your Laser Pointer, remember that the right tool can mean the difference between coming home a hero or becoming alien chow.

So gear up, team up, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime. Just remember, when all else fails, there’s always the Teleporter. Good luck out there, space cowboys!

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