Aliens: Colonial Marines How to fix the Xenomorph AI

Aliens: Colonial Marines How to fix the Xenomorph AI 6 -
Aliens: Colonial Marines How to fix the Xenomorph AI 6 -
How to fix the Xenomorphs’ AI in Aliens: Colonial Marines (simplified, with images)



Aliens: Colonial Marines is a 2013 FPS game developed by Gearbox, based on the Alien franchise. 
The game was released amidst controversy due to low-quality graphics, technical issues and (what we’re going to address today) poor enemy AI. 
This is just an updated (maybe simpler?) guide on how to fix the enemy AI, making the game itself more challenging (read better) – don’t expect it to become a masterpiece all of the sudden though. 

Locating the file (DefaultEngine.ini)


  1. Go to your Steam Library 
  2. Right Click on Colonial Marines > Manage > Browse Local Files 
  3. Access the PecanGame folder 
  4. Access the Config folder 
  5. Access the DefaultEngine.ini file

Aliens: Colonial Marines How to fix the Xenomorph AI 
Aliens: Colonial Marines How to fix the Xenomorph AI 
Aliens: Colonial Marines How to fix the Xenomorph AI 
Aliens: Colonial Marines How to fix the Xenomorph AI 

Fixing the Code (Teather > Tether)


  1. Scroll down until you find 2 lines of code that start with+ClassRemapping 
  2. On the second one, you will notice the following sequence: AttachXenoToTether -> PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachPawnToTeather 
  3. You may notice that there’s a typo inAttachPawnToTeather, which doesn’t allow the engine’s tether system to work properly; it makes the Xenomorphs run around like Crystal Lizards fleeing from your Fume Ultra Greatsword +5. 
  4. Fix the typo (remove theafromTeather). 
  5. Enjoy a slightly better Colonial Marines; just another glorious day in the Corps!

Aliens: Colonial Marines How to fix the Xenomorph AI 

Written by CEOofTheAbyss

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