Disney Dreamlight Valley Tool Upgrades Guide

Disney Dreamlight Valley Tool Upgrades Guide 1 - steamsplay.com
Disney Dreamlight Valley Tool Upgrades Guide 1 - steamsplay.com

How to unlock the upgrades in your tools


CelestialxZen created this guide. This guide was taken directly from the Disney Dreamlight Valley Discord.


Tool Upgrades

Royal Tools in Dreamlight Valley are essential for progressing through the game. They can be used to gather resources and craft, clean up your Valley, and remove any obstacles at bridges.
There are many steps to follow when upgrading your Royal Tools. Different Characters in the Valley can help you with those upgrades. This guide can help you simplify it all, quickly and without any hassle.
Disney Dreamlight Valley Tool Upgrades Guide - Tool Upgrades - 1F592A1

Watering can

This is one of your first tools in the Valley. It can be used for Gardening.
To upgrade your Watering Can you will need to go through Merlin's Friendship Quests. Merlin will test his magic on your Watering Can two times. You will first test the magic on a small field of mushrooms. After that, you will move on to the quests and try it again on another large field of mushrooms. When you complete the quest "The Final Trial", your Royal Tool is fully upgraded and will be able to remove all mushrooms. You will also be awarded a Wizard Hat


Have you ever seen The Hole Movie? Yes, that's right. Think of it as 10 times 10. You'll be digging a lot in this Valley, whether you're looking for clay or soil, or digging up Night Shards. The Shovel's most important attribute is that it helps. Take out the Tree Stumps These Tree Stumps can be found in the Valley. Even better, they produce a LOT of Hardwood.
Tree Stumps
To upgrade your Shovel and remove Tree Stumps you will need Anna to be invited to your Valley. This can easily be done by heading to Dream Castle and going into the Frozen Realm 23A10379896A.
This is actually one the easiest and fastest upgrades to a Royal Tool. Welcome Anna to the Valley and begin her Friendship Quests. She will assist you in upgrading your Shovel and removing all Tree Stumps within a few quests.


A Pickaxe is one the best Royal Tools to make lots of money simply by mining for Gems or smacking rocks. Another important function of the Pickaxe is to remove Ice Chunks and Frosted Heights Coral and Dazzle Beach 22A103769696A
Ice Chunks
To upgrade your Pickaxe to remove Ice Chunks, make sure Elsa has been invited to your Valley. This can be done by heading to Dream Castle and going into the Frozen Realm 24-A1037989696A. Once you have welcomed Elsa to your Valley, you'll want to start her Friendship Quests. This will lead you to an Ice Cavern located in Forest of Valor. **
After completing these Friendship Quests, the first step is to remove smaller Ice Chunks. Then, as you progress through Elsa’s quest lines, you will be able remove larger Ice Chunks after a quest "Breaking the Ice".
**There have been reports of Elsa attempting to trap herself in the Ice Cavern. This happened before we were able clear a path. There are a few ways to get your game back up and running. You can also go back into the Frozen Realm and then return to your Valley to refresh your characters. If this does not work, you will need to wait until she comes out of the Cave. There will be a hotfix in time!
To upgrade your Pickaxe to remove Coral at Dazzle beach, you must ensure that Maui are invited to your Valley. This can be done by heading to Moana Realm and going to Dream Castle. Maui will make your Pickaxe compatible with the first time upgrade, which will allow it to kill the small corals that surround Moana’s canoe. This upgrade will be available once you return to your Valley. You will need to invite Maui to your Valley to upgrade the Pickaxe for second time. After completing his first few Friendship Quests you will be able raise the Friendship Level to 4. "A Tale of Stone and Fire." Once the project is completed, your Pickaxe shall be fully upgraded to clear Dazzle beach bridge.

Fishing rod

We are currently at We have not found any Upgrades to the Fishing Rod in the current game state. There are some fish that look very interesting, like the Anglerfish, and Lancetfish. No one has caught them. Perhaps the Fishing Rod will soon be used to catch deep-water sea creatures.

Character Unlockables

Opens the Chez Remy Restaurant in Valley.
– Continue your progress through Remy’s Friendship Quests to unlock more recipes
Unlock the ability to fix the garden that is broken down in Peaceful Meadow.
Unlock a stall to buy Wood, Stone, etc.
Complete Friendship Quests.
Unlock the ability to fix the damaged boat in the upper section at Dazzle Beach.
Moana will go out to sea periodically to catch fish for your enjoyment! You can claim what you have caught by visiting the Fishing Boat often!
Which Character(or) Unlock who?
* Kristoff unlocks Donald Duck in the Forest of Valor through the Dark Grove Quests.
* Goofy unlocks Ariel when he repairs the broken Boat on Dazzle Beach near Goofy’s Stall.
* Mickey unlocks Minnie with a few friendship challenges.
* Ursula unlocks Prince Eric once you reach Friendship Level 10


Written by Katrin

This is all for Disney Dreamlight Valley Tool Upgrades Guide hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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