The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Secret bucket ending Guide

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Secret bucket ending Guide 1 -
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Secret bucket ending Guide 1 -

This guide contains spoilers for Ultra Deluxe, please don’t read this guide unless you feel you have found everything you could in the game.

Video Guide

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The Guide

In the original Stanley parable there was a strange secret ending that you could find by repeating the same steps shown in this video, but if you attempted to enter the escape pod the game would go black and restart.

In the sequel, however, if you have the bucket and bring the bucket to the escape pod you discover the escape pod’s true purpose; to save the bucket.

After putting the bucket in the pod and launching it, you can find the pod and the bucket in the epilogue.

Finding the bucket, though, that’s not the hard part.

It’s letting go.


One of the many post-epilogue title screens you can get

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Putting the bucket in the escape pod

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Escape pod landing zone

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Please comment if you find any other neat secrets, I am very interested in uncovering more of this games secrets!

Written by ZeroPants

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