Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ Disabling Mouse Acceleration + Anti Aliasing

Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ Disabling Mouse Acceleration + Anti Aliasing 1 - steamsplay.com
Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ Disabling Mouse Acceleration + Anti Aliasing 1 - steamsplay.com

This guide will discuss possible fixes to the mouse acceleration problem in Shadow of Mordor. I have tried several solutions, but most of them are just " let's try one and see if it works." It is important to remember that this game was not new. The Xbox 360 version had the same issue with the mouse.
We hope you find these solutions useful.

1.- Verify Archives.

This one is the easiest because it is simple. The game will become more complex over time.
Verify the archives for your game. Some said it worked for them, but for me it didn’t. The game folder was unaltered when it came up with the error message.

2.- Turn off Antialiasing/Motion Blur

Both of them are tied to the FPS and the mouse velocity/acceleration is tied to the FPS, so by disabling them, the FPS should get more stable, not shugging so much or stuttering. They are just options.

3.- Limit FPS to No Limit

This will allow your game's maximum potential to be used by your computer. This should improve your mouse acceleration, as everything is directly related to how well your computer runs the game. There is no "bad" or obsolete computer that can't run this game. The problem is how the technology is implemented with mouse input.
Do This + Turning Off MotionBlur/Antialiasing.

4.- Turn On VSync

This can make the game slower and more stable.
Do This + Turning Off MotionBlur/Antialiasing + Set FPS Cap to No Limit.

5.- Reduce All Mouse Slides to 0.

I saw this trick being done by a child on YT. It worked.
After completing this work, the slides will be adjusted to your playing speed.
Do This + Turning Off MotionBlur/Antialiasing + Set FPS Cap to No Limit + Turning On VSync.

6.- Disabling Fullscreen optimization from the.Exe

You can find the.exe of your game in the game folder. Then, check the box for "Disabling Fullscreen Optimization". This should fix the FPS-related input. It didn't work as well for me as the rest that i had mentioned by now.

7.- Disable mouse acceleration from Windows

I'll leave a vid, but this is still the best way to do it. This affects other games and things.

YouTube player

Minute 2:37

8.- Download Mod/Prog. Raw Mouse Imput

As I have said, this last one often fixes the mouse acceleration problem. However you will need to download a program from a third party and run it on the pc. Nothing from another world, but it feels wrong.

9.- Uninstall the Game and Install It Again. Then, do This:

Then uninstall the game and then reinstall it. This will give you a fresh start without any moddifications. Next, go to the game.
– Turn Off Motion Blur/Antialiasing
– Increase FPS Cap to 60
– Turn on the VSync
– Use any setting that you find to your advantage and reduce them to the point where you feel the game is too slow.
– Set the Mouse Slides to 0 and increase or decrease them depending on how quickly or slowly you fill them.
This worked for me. Others have successfully fixed the game using Disabling Fullscrim Optimization and combining the steps, i had mentioned earlier.
I hope that any of these steps works for you.


Steam Discucions I found on steam to help me find a solution to my problem. There are also a few videos on YT.
https://steamcommunity.com/app/241930/discussions/0/620700960712108733/ – [steamcommunity.com]
https://steamcommunity.com/app/241930/discussions/0/613937306895898849/ – [steamcommunity.com]

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YouTube player

We hope that this guide is useful to all who stumble upon it.
"…Deez nut, ligma. sussy baka. mouse accelerussy. bing chilling. …"


Written by Sgt. Stukov

Here we come to an end for Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ Disabling Mouse Acceleration + Anti Aliasing hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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