Tormentum – Dark Sorrow Save files for choices and ending

Tormentum – Dark Sorrow Save files for choices and ending 1 -
Tormentum – Dark Sorrow Save files for choices and ending 1 -
Save files and information for the choices that lead to the endings of the game.



In this game there are about 10 choices you can make that lead to one of two endings. 
If you do ‘bad’ things, you get the bad ending. ‘Good’ things = good ending. I won’t debate whether these actions are really good or bad, but they’re good or bad in the sense that they contribute to the good or bad ending. 
The save files are points just prior to the decision you need to make. 
I made good choices along the way, so you can end the game with a clean slate. I think the bad ending requires 1-2 bad deeds, so if you’re after that, just load the penultimate save and go from that. 
Saves here: 
To use the saves, you need to overwrite your save file. You can find this in the game folder: Steam\steamapps\common\Tormentum. 
The save file itself is dat.xlg. You need to rename my files one at a time to ‘dat.xlg’ and place it in the folder to go from the right point. 
As a bonus, I didn’t look at the notebook, so you should also get that achievement if you use the final save and finish the game. 
Credit to this guide, which I took inspiration from but decided to make my own since the uploaded files expired. 

Written by Hallowsend

Here we come to an end for Tormentum – Dark Sorrow Save files for choices and ending hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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