The Ghost Ship Fear System Mechanics & Gameplay

The Ghost Ship Fear System Mechanics & Gameplay 1 -
The Ghost Ship Fear System Mechanics & Gameplay 1 -

A guide to understanding the mechanics behind the Fear System.

Fear System

You, like everyone else, have a certain capacity of Fear you can handle before it becomes overwhelming. You will have a mentality indicator on the bottom left of your HUD after you pick up your first bottle of medication. As long as you are above 50% mentality, you will experience no side effects from your mentality, as your mentality drops you will start to see things.
Mentality Levels:
At 50% Mentality or below, you will begin to see Spiders of different sizes. Your vision will also be slightly impaired.
The Ghost Ship Fear System Mechanics & Gameplay - Fear System - CC856F4
At 35% Mentality or below, you will begin to see and hear Spirits around you, they will wander towards you but disappear if they are close enough AND you look directly at them. Your vision will also be quite badly impaired, the screen will be grainy and darker.
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At 20% Mentality or below which is the final level of Hallucinations, you will start to see Arms reaching out from the floors below you. Your vision will be severely impaired at this point to the point you will struggle to see anything.
The Ghost Ship Fear System Mechanics & Gameplay - Fear System - 5ADE45D
You can rid the effects of the Fear System at any time by using Anti-Hallucinogens that are provided throughout the game, you can identify these as small cylindrical medicine bottles. You can carry up to 10 of these bottles at any one time.
The Ghost Ship Fear System Mechanics & Gameplay - Fear System - 1662181


Written by Joshinscene

This is all for The Ghost Ship Fear System Mechanics & Gameplay hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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