The Book of Shadows Spells and Skills Locations

The Book of Shadows Spells and Skills Locations 1 -
The Book of Shadows Spells and Skills Locations 1 -

This guide will help to find some of these secrets in the Book of Shadows. Although the information will be general, it will guide you in the right direction to find different things.


Welcome to the guide! This guide is intended to allow players to find hidden items within the game. This will not give you the exact location of most items, but it will tell where and in what dungeon you can find them.
Due to the nature of the listed locations, there will be some spoilers in the guide.

Ultimate Spells and Skills Locations

The Book of Shadows begins with Chapter 8 and you can find the ultimate skill for each character. Below are some locations where you can find the skills and spells. Use the book to learn the skill.
Here is the full list. There are minor spoilers within the location list.
Fire (, Nova): Found on an individual in the Caves of Chimar. Chapter 9.
Water (Frozen Slash): Automatically learnt at the beginning of Chapter 9.
Air () Air Phasing: Located on Floor 5 of Tower of Storms
Earth (): Old cave Southside of Esteron. Access to this area requires the ship.
Energy (Energy Worrack) – Located in the Mana Stream. It is guarded and protected by a powerful monster. You will have to defeat it, or get by it to obtain this.
Mind (and Mind Tap): Located at the Tower of Elyon.
Life (Divine aid) Floor 2 of Amelia’s Hideaway, guarded daily by many Angels
Death (. Restoration). Elmwood, in The Pit. It is located on the other side the Mage Warded Door. To acquire it, you will need to defeat the Undead Guardian.
Thief (Concealment by): Locked up at Clearwind Magic School in the vault. To get to the passcode, you will need to search the code. 41368 .
Protector () Ultra Shield: Located in Secret Room 37 by Winterglen
Reporter (Krotrium Blade): Given in Clearwind by Whitebeard once you have found 45 of the 50 Secret Rooms.
Cheers to the (Pep rally!) is located in Secret Room 48. The ship is required to enter the cave where the Secret Room is located.
Chemist (Cleanse all): Automatically learned at Chapter 9.
Archer (Arrow Rain): Automatically learned at Chapter 9.
Gladiator (Groundbreaker) – Complete the Chapter 9 challenge at Thundermeadow Beach to earn this.
Merchant ($$$$$): Located at bottom of Aviary.
Scientist (): Located North Vrylilum Woods. It is where the party fought Hare of Darkness in Chapter 7. You can return there in Chapter 9, and this will be on an area body.
Strategist (, Medic). Return the Art of War Volumes 1- 6 to Tiatha’s Archives to get this spell

Locations of Ultimate Weapons, Armor and Necklace

Chapter 8 is where you will find the best armors, weapons, and other items in the game. These can be found within the following dungeons.
Sword: Eastwood Sewers
Axe: Available at Zabbas In Tir Koraz, Chapter 9
Fist: Blackmire Muhroom Caves
Halberd: Monster Pit.
Staff: Crossroads. Trade GP for it in Chapters 8, 9
Tower of Elyon: Daggers
Pom-Poms Secret Room 40 in Silvanos It's not the docks!
Megaphone: Battle Arena won in impossible mode in Chapters 8, 9
Bow: Thundermeadow Peaks Warning: If you grab it, a boss will jump you. You can defeat the boss by using Earth spells. The boss resists everything else.
Book: The Church Temple North of Silverdale in Chapter 9.
Rapier: Old Elmwood Mansion Top Floor.
Clothing: One cave on the ocean. It is the one where you cannot land because of no landing point. To get to it, you must find a warp within the Mana Stream that will teleport your way inside the cave.
Leather Armor: Krythaelia Wetlands – Chapter 9.
Heavy Armor: Dragon's Horde Bank Elmwood. To exchange the wardstone found in the Pantheon of Sirath, you will need to give it to the clerk.
Robes – There are two. The first is located in Riverdale's chest, with all of its skeletons. The second is found in the caves beneath Tir Koraz where was the Mage Warded Door.
Cloak: There are 2 of them. The first is in secret room 39. The second is located at Dragonblast. Due to the Northpass barricades, you'll need to use a warp form the Mana Stream in Chapter 9.
Shoes: These are dropped by Chapter 9's mandatory plot boss. They cannot be missed.
Shield: Secret Room 43.
Helmet and Hairpin. Both of these items are at Beardwhack Fortress.
Star Necklaces. Each stat has one. They can be found here:
Star Health Necklace: Find 3 Abyss Wom Tails in Dragonblast. Bring them to Winterglen.
Star Mana Necklace: Secret Room 44
Star Strength Necklace: Secret Room 34.
Star Defense Necklace: Eastwood Training Caves. Level 2.
Star Magic Necklace. Once you have this, you can go to one of the caves.
Star Protection Necklace: This necklace is found on the deserted Island.
Star Speed Necklace – Score 100 or more on all levels in the Minotaur Maze at Crossroads
Star Luck: Located on an individual in the Clearwind Magic School.

Secret Rooms

There are 50 secret rooms in The Book of Shadows. Here you will find the dungeon where the secret rooms are located. If there are two secret rooms in the same dungeon, you will need to provide more precise directions.
You will find no secret rooms in dungeons which cannot be accessed in Chapter 9. You can still return to it later if you forget one.
Here's a list of the first Chapters that you can access each Secret Room.
Chapter 1: Rooms 1- 4
Chapter 2: Rooms 5, 6 & 12
Chapter 3: Rooms 13-16
Chapter 4: Rooms 17-22
Chapter 5: Rooms 23, 26
Chapter 6: Rooms 27, 29
Chapter 7: Rooms 30, 31
Chapter 8: Rooms 33 – 34
Chapter 9: Rooms 35-50
Scroll down to see more information about which area each room is in.
Secret Room 1 – Sarah marks this on Chapter 1's map. It is located in the Elmwood East Caves
Secret Room 2: Elmwood Central Caves
Secret Room 3 – The Pit This is one room in the Pit. The other is located near the Undead Town.
Secret Room 4 – The Pit. The map is on the northern side.
Secret Room 5 – Elmwood South Forest, Northern Side.
Secret Room 6 – Elmwood South Forest, Southern Side of the Map
Secret Room 7 – Silas Rest Lighthhouse
Secret Room 8: Silas Rest Tomb
Secret Room 9: Aurora Beach
Secret Room 10: Winter Island
Secret Room 11: Blackmire Marsh
Secret Room 12: Blackmire Mushroom Caves
Secret Room 13: Underwater
Secret Room 14: Tir Koraz Clearing
Secret Room 15: Tir Koraz Ice Caves
Secret Room 16: Tir Koraz Caves
Secret Room 17: Red Dwarf Tower Approach
Secret Room 18: Deserted Island
Secret Room 19: Las Vegas Mall
Secret Room 20: Military Base Approach
Secret Room 21: This is the map that's called??? It is located below the military base
Secret Room 22: Minneapolis Outside
Secret Room 23 – Thundermeadow Peaks
Secret Room 24: Under Elmwood
Secret Room 25: Eastern Forest
Secret Room 26: Old Mansion Ground Floor
Secret Room 27: West Elmwood Earth Caves
Secret Room 28: Thundermeadow Beach
Secret Room 29: Silverdale Walls
Secret Room 30: Krythaela Wetlands
Secret Room 31: South Vrylilum Woods
Secret Room 32: Old Cave
Secret Room 33: Darkspyre
Secret Room 34: Raindew
Secret Room 35: Amelia’s Hideaway on the First Floor
Secret Room 36: Eastwood Forest
Secret Room 37: Winterglen
Secret Room 38: Silvanos Woods
Secret Room 39: Silvanos Sewers. North Side
Secret Room 40: Silvanos. You will need to note that this is in the city itself, not the docks area which can be accessed separately.
Secret Room 41: Tall Oak Clearning
Secret Room 42: Slime Caves on Level 3
Secret Room 43: Icetop Fortress
Secret Room 44: The Pit. It will be in the section you cannot access in Chapter 1 and behind the door that you have no way of opening.
Secret Room 45: Old Mansion
Secret Room 46: Tiatha’s Archive
Secret Room 47: Caverns in Cimhar
Secret Room 48: Old Cave. It is one of the caves that you can access once the sailboat is purchased.
Clearwind: Secret Room 49
Clearwind Magic School Floor 2: Secret Room 50 – Clearwind Magic School Floor 2


Written by bgillisp

Here we come to an end for The Book of Shadows Spells and Skills Locations hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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