Terra Invicta Strategic UI Overview + Events + Councilor Assignment Phase

Terra Invicta Strategic UI Overview + Events + Councilor Assignment Phase 1 - steamsplay.com
Terra Invicta Strategic UI Overview + Events + Councilor Assignment Phase 1 - steamsplay.com

This is Part 1 from the Beginner’s Guide. It can also be found here
https://hoodedhorse.com/wiki/Terra_Invicta/Main_Page – [hoodedhorse.com]

Credit goes to Elouda, Steam user. This guide was adapted from his work.

Start a new game

After clicking ‘New Game’ on the main menu, the following options will be displayed. These are settings that you have already used.

You can adjust the Solar System or Faction count to your liking. Some parts of this guide will be applicable for all factions, but some story related events will not be. You can choose to play as someone different from the Resistance.

Enabling tutorial will give you some additional guidance about the game’s basic features.

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Strategic UI Overview

The screenshot below highlights some of the key UI features.

  • Objectives
  • Panels and Quick Focus
  • Date & time control
  • Finder Panel
  • Event Log

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An Event popup will appear in the middle of your screen when you first start the game. The game will automatically pause when these appear.

A similar pop-up will be displayed later in the game for significant events and Councilor mission report reports. These will typically have three options (and additional ones for repeatable tasks).

  • Continue – closes the popup and stops the game from being paused.
  • Close – will close this popup but keep the game paused.
  • Take Me There will close the popup, keep the game paused and the game open. Once the game is over, you can snap the camera to the correct location on Earth and in the Solar System.

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The First Days – Missions and Assignments to Councilors

Councilor Assignment Phase

The game begins paused shortly before the first Councilor assignment phase. These are the one- or two-week cycles during which your Councilors complete the missions that have been assigned to them.

After reading through our initial events), we need to (unpause the game (spacebar/1-5 by default). Then let it run until the game pauses again. The CONFIRM ASSIGNMENTS button will appear at the top.

The Council

The Councilor Assignment phase is where you determine the missions that your council will carry out during the next cycle. Your council may include up to eight characters from different walks of the life.

You may notice that there are only 2 councilors currently listed in the Finder Panel at the top of the screen. You start with 4 councilors, but you can increase this to 6 through technology. (You will need to develop Clandestine Cells to recruit a fifth member of council, and to develop Covert Operations to recruit another sixth member.) You may also have up 2 enemy councilors you have turned towards your cause.

We need to first determine who should do this cycle in our council and what gaps in our current council staff we need to fill.

To do this, click on Council Panel just above CONFIRM ASSIGNMENTS to open the relevant panel.

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The Council Panel gives you a snapshot of your current council as well as a brief summary of their attributes.

Clicking on the portrait will bring up a screen with more information, including their capabilities, incomes, traits and organizations.

This is where we start to be interested, mainly in what missions they can accomplish and their attributes.

The first stage in the early game is about gaining a foothold. To do this, you must either take uncontested ‘Control Points’ (CP) (or take over CP currently controlled by another faction). These missions use different attributes and are performed via different missions.

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Uncontrolled CP may be taken by the Control Nation mission, which can be governed under the Persuasion attribute.

CP that is controlled by another faction are taken by the Purge mission, which is governed under the Espionage attribute.

Crackdown missions can make CP more vulnerable to Purges. This is controlled through the Investigation attribute. Crackdowns will also take away the benefits of a CP for an enemy faction.

Take a moment to review your councilors. You should also pay attention to their Administration stat, any income (possible, and their Traits (. These can have a significant impact on how they perform on mission, and their incomes significantly).

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Recruiting Councilors

Once you’re done, return to Council Panel. Let’s look at how to hire another councilor. Hit ‘Recruit’ on one of two slots or at bottom of the Council Panel.

This will open a new page with a list on the left of candidates. Clicking on them gives you similar information to what you received from your councilors.

New councilors require either 30 or 60 Influence to hire. We only have 50 slots available so we can only fill one of them.

Keep the above in mind and depending on your initial councilors you may want to hire someone to add to your roster. If you already have two councilors capable of carrying out the Control Nation mission, hiring one who can perform the Purge and Crackdown missions may be a wise move. If you only have one councilor capable of the Control Nation missions, I would hire another. It is important to pay attention not only to their attributes but also to their Traits or Income in both cases.

After you have hired the third Councilor, close the Council Panel. Let’s now assign missions to our team.

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The Mission Interface

Additional UI elements will appear when a councilor is selected in the Councilor Assignment Phase. These elements allow you to assign missions.

The panel that allows you to select from the missions available for the selected councilor is located at the bottom end of the main interface.

Above all, success is shown along with factors that can either positively or negatively affect these chances.

You can also see the map if you have chosen a mission type that targets nations and other councilors.

The mission selection panel lists the available mission types for this councilor. Any that have no valid target or are not feasible to execute are shown dimmed.

Information about which Attribute governs the mission and which resource can be spent (is available by moving the slider at the top right). This will increase the chance of success.

Clicking on the mission title (, e.g. Control Nation), in the top center of the panel will confirm the assignment.

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Initial Mission Assignment

If possible, assign two of your councilors to Control Nation missions (, which are aimed at countries with high base chances of success), and one for the Investigate Alien Activity mission. You can influence the Control Nation missions to increase their success, but keeping some of your councilors in reserve is best.

Click on a country to see more information. They are displayed on the left-hand side of the screen. Take your time to go through several, as extensive tooltips explain the various metrics being tracked for nations.

It will be easier to bring more of your color into the donut) for countries with higher levels (of Public Support. Public Support can also be raised through the Public Campaign mission (which is managed by the Persuasion attribute.

After all your councilors have been assigned missions, click the CONFIRM ASSIGNMENTS button at the top to save your selections.

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The First Days – Starting Research

Before we begin our campaign for real, we need to examine Research. This panel manages the research. You can find it by clicking on the button at the top of the UI. This page can be divided into 2 sections.

Global Research is research that is shared across different factions. These global technologies are used to advance scientific knowledge of humanity and unlock various faction-specific Projects. Each faction can decide if and how much they want to contribute to research towards these technologies. The slot that has the highest amount of research will be used to determine the next technology. There are always 3 slots.

Council Engineering Projects can be faction-specific projects that yield tangible results. These results may include bonuses to missions and additional councilor slots. They can also provide new habitats, ship modules, and other projects related to story progress. To begin with, you have one slot and can acquire another via an Org and a suitable equipped Habitat.

The Change Project button allows you to switch between Council Engineering Projects. Global Research, once chosen, is locked in to its slot till research is complete.

The three ‘pips’ in the panel for each technology/project can be used to control how your research points are distributed. These affect the relative distributions for your Research Points (Daily Income. If you have 3 pips, as in the example to the right, and 2 pips are assigned to a particular tech, that tech will receive 2/3, or 66%, of your ResearchPoints.

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Part 1 of the Guide is complete

Once you have completed the (councilor/mission assignment, and conducted research) you can pause and let the game continue. The next Councilor Assignment Phase is scheduled for one week. In the meantime, there will be a few events.

Part 2 can be found here
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2868145461 – [steamcommunity.com]

Written by Elouda, Snow

Here we come to an end for Terra Invicta Strategic UI Overview + Events + Councilor Assignment Phase hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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