TEKKEN 7 Game Overview + Sidestep List in Chart

TEKKEN 7 Game Overview + Sidestep List in Chart 2 - steamsplay.com
TEKKEN 7 Game Overview + Sidestep List in Chart 2 - steamsplay.com

This is a simplified guide to sidestep accordingly to each character

I used these two guides, and the user commentaries as reference https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/6h61hy/i_made_a_sidestepmovement_list_for_tekken_7/

The notes aren’t perfect, since I just gathered information and tried to fill with some personal experience, everyone is welcome to help to improve the guide


Sidestep List


Character Side Specific Character Match Up Tip
Akuma SSL Sidestep isn’t a safe everytime, prefer to backdash him
Armor King SSR Step a Lot, most of buffered throws can be backdashed
Alisa SSL Sidestep is not a must
Anna SSL
Asuka SSR She has good homing, caution to sidestep
Bob SSR On midrange Sidestep Left
Brian SSR He has real good homing, caution to sidestep
Claudio SSL Caution with sidestep
Devil Jin SSL Advanced players can catch SS with WS2 and launch you
Dragunov SSR On midrange Sidestep Left
Eddy Gordo SSR
Eliza SSL
Fahkumram SSL Be careful steping BF4 can catch you, and all wall unblockables are very linear
Feng SWR Sidestep Left to evade a Df1 or Hopkick
Ganryu SSR
Gigas SSL Caution with midrange Sidestep
Geese SSL Step with caution, and remember B3, Df+1, QCB2, D2 tracks to the right
Heihachi SSL Caution on the wall, old man can destroy you there
Hwoarang SSR Sidestep changes on stance, on Flamingo sidestep to stomach side, duck can be viable
Jack SSL Caution on Sidestep
Josie SSL She has a LOT of duckable moves
Julia SSR Range 0 and 1 step to Right, Range 2 or 3 you should step to Left
Katarina SSL For B+1, D+1 and Df+2, Sidestep Left
Kazumi SSL Sidestep Right the WR 2
Kazuya SSL Sidewalk Left to evade HS, ALWAYS punish TP (-12), D/F+2 (-12) and WS2 (-18)
King SSR Step a Lot, most of buffered throws can be backdashed
Kuma SSR WS 3 has good tracking, take caution to sidestep
Kunimitsu SSL
Lars SSR Sidestep and Sidewalk a lot
Law SSR In general good homing moves, WS2 tracks a lot
Lei SSR you can poke him out of animal stances after razor rush on block
Leroy SSL
Lidia SSL Her HS tracks only to right , many moves are very linear, but her hopkick tracks well
Lili SSR Backflip can still clip you, but in general she’s very linear
LuckyChloe SSL Sidestep Right with taution for hopkick and backturned mix
Marduk SSL
MasterRaven SSL Caution while Stepping
Miguel SSL
Negan SSL
Nina SSR Careful with Db+3
Noctis SSR On Midrange Sidestep Left
Panda SSR WS 3 has good tracking, take caution to sidestep
Paul SSR In general good homing moves
Shaheen SSL Duck/Block are better than Sidestep him
Steve SSL Df+2 on S4 is very linear and steppable, Backdash him is still very viable
Xiaoyu SSR when she’s backturned SSL, for AoP use moves with a low hitbox to hit her out of AoP
Yoshimitsu SSL Sidestep Right for his ranged moves
Zafina SSL Caution while stepping


Written by Eita Carái!

This is all for TEKKEN 7 Game Overview + Sidestep List in Chart hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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