Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes

Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes 1 - steamsplay.com
Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes 1 - steamsplay.com

A condensed player’s guide of charts and tables for archetype path choices and alignments for Spore: Galactic Adventures.

Archetype Paths & Alignments

Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetype Paths & Alignments - B9AED1A
Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetype Paths & Alignments - D3BF34B

Archetypes Guide Chart

Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetypes Guide Chart - A089479 🟩🟩🟩🟩
Shamans understand that all life shares a common bond. The entire
galaxy exists within us all.
Philosophy of Harmony
Ability: Return Ticket teleports the player to their home system.
Voice: High-pitched, Backwards​
Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetypes Guide Chart - 0ABA668 🟦🟦🟦🟦
Traders are in it for the profit. Their only allegiance is to the almighty Sporebuck.
Philosophy of Prosperity
Ability: Cash Infusion instantly fills the financial takeover meter.
Voice: ?
Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetypes Guide Chart - 9F55847 🟥🟥🟥🟥
Warriors take what they want and never ask for permission. The galaxy is
a prize to be claimed by the strongest.
Philosophy of Force
Ability: Raider Rally opens a pirate portal on a planet.
Voice: Growling, Guttural, Masc, Klingon-like
Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetypes Guide Chart - D74A53A 🟦🟥🟩🟩 Ecologists protect nature. Those who exploit and corrupt the galaxy
must be exterminated.
Philosophy of Life
Ability: Safari Vacuum abducts two members of each species from a planet.
Voice: Quacky, Squeaky, Trumpet-like
Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetypes Guide Chart - 6795611 🟥🟩🟦🟦 Bards are the social, outgoing entertainers of the cosmos. The galaxy
is their playground.
Philosophy of Chance
Ability: Soothing Song sets relationship to 0 (neutral) for 2 minutes.
Voice: High-pitched, Squeaky
Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetypes Guide Chart - 240BBEB 🟩🟦🟥🟥 Knights are noble warriors. Peace will come to the galaxy only when
evil has been vanquished.
Philosophy of Force
Ability: Summon Mini-U summons an allied mini clone of your spaceship.
Voice: ?
Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetypes Guide Chart - 44FA316 🟦🟦🟩🟩
Diplomats are negotiators and problem solvers. Peace will come to
the galaxy only through open communication between species.
Philosophy of Order
Ability: Static Cling immobilizes all enemies on the planet for 2 minutes.
Voice: Smooth, Femme
Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetypes Guide Chart - D6C4641 🟥🟥🟦🟦
Scientists are logical and calculating. The galaxy exists to be
studied and understood.
Philosophy of Science
Ability: Gravitation Wave destroys all structures on a planet.
This breaches the Galactic Code.
Voice: Stephen Hawking-like
Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetypes Guide Chart - 2D5353E 🟩🟩🟥🟥
Zealots are certain that their beliefs are the only truth. Those who
do not feel the same way are not worthy to exist in this galaxy.
Philosophy of Faith
Ability: Fanatical Frenzy converts the system to your empire.
This breaches the Galactic Code.
Voice: Deep, Booming, Demonic
Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes - Archetypes Guide Chart - 3A5FFCE ⬜⬜⬜⬜ Wanderers want to sample a little bit of everything.
The galaxy is vast and they want to experience it all.
Philosophy of Order
Ability: None.
Voice: ?


Written by Nium Niumium

Here we come to an end for Spore Archetype Path Walkthrough & Classes hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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