Siege Survival: Gloria Victis Siege Survival: Tips & Tricks

Siege Survival: Gloria Victis Siege Survival: Tips & Tricks 1 -
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis Siege Survival: Tips & Tricks 1 -
A quick list by category of all the helpful tips and tricks I have learned while playing through the main scenario.



Note: Please do not copy or redistribute this guide in any way without my permission. This guide is to help players, new and old, with Siege Survival: Gloria Victis.

I may write an expanded guide at some point at how to make it through the early game (pretrebuchet), midgame (broken trebuchet), and lategame (trebuchet fixed and usable), but I want to quickly list all tips and tricks I have learned that helped me get through the game.

Base Building


  • Always build in the Bastion’s shadow (blue area) until it is full.
  • Even when you think the blue area is full, you can still probably fit a few more rat traps.
  • Farms are the exception–they’re so large it’s hard to fit even one in the blue area.
  • Always upgrade structures as early as possible (sawhorse should be first then probably workbench or fireplace); there is only a certain amount of materials and wood on the map to gather. Losing either because you did not upgrade will hurt you late game.
  • Do not build a compost bin until you’re about to have two farms. Well fed pigs can contribute enough fertilizer to support a single herb farm by themselves.
  • Build a dryer asap to make fiber. Fiber is used for so many things early game you will struggle if you don’t continuously make fiber out of herbs.
  • Upgrade your storage building as soon as you can as you cannot build “Tier 2” buildings without it (furnace, rat traps, farms, compost, water traps, etc).
  • Do not repair the trebuchet until you feel like you have a good supply of weapons, food, and water already as it takes quite a bit of resources to initially repair, supply, and combat repair.
  • A single herb farm can support at least 4 rat traps.
  • Build rat traps like it is your #1 JOB. By late game I had 6 rat traps operating. This allowed me to keep everyone well fed and have left over meat to sell to traders.

Below is how I laid out my base. A few days later I built a second, not upgraded, water trap because I was falling behind on water inventory still. Once I did though, my water issues were basically solved.
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis Siege Survival: Tips & Tricks



  • As much as possible, do not craft items until you have the upgraded building.
  • Swords and Heavy armor are big material sinks–you might need two furnaces to adequately make enough iron ingots to build these in large enough number.
  • Feeding animals, replenishing rat traps, or loading furnaces are the quicker crafting jobs and should be given to characters that do not have the “crafting+” trait.
  • Chopping wood, cooking meals, crafting weapons & armor are the longer crafting jobs and whenever possible, should be given to characters with the “crafting+” trait.
  • If you have any characters idle at any time, either rest them or have them work at the excavation pit. A single piece of brick, iron ingot, wood, or makeshift bandage can be a game changer.


Resource Scarcity


  • Early game you will struggle to find enough fiber and food for everyone (your characters, troops, and animals).
  • Midgame you will struggle to quench everyone’s thirst.
  • Lategame wood and materials will start getting very scarce.
  • Be prepared for these trends and associated problems.
  • Guerrilla runs are highly recommended (ie killing guards for their weapons) because weapons are hard to come by early game, they are expensive to make (iron ingots are very time, material, and building intensive), and they allow for cleared areas for faster transit to and from farther away areas (Market and Golden Corner being two great places to have cleared at some point).


Combat – Scavenging


  • Stealth combat requires you to attack from behind or the side.
  • Two stealth hits kill a guard with an axe or a sword.
  • Regular combat, even with a character with “combat+”, will result in wounds and alert other nearby guards which will come to the guard’s aide.
  • Killing a single guard during one night when the guard’s alert meter is at the lowest level will bring many more guards to the area and surrounding areas the following night.
  • If you kill all the guards in a single area in the following night, no more guards will spawn in that area and you can then run through that area until the end of the game without worrying about guards.


Combat – Bastion


  • Flaming arrows start fires on buildings built in the yellow area.
  • Even when the fires are put out, the buildings will need to be repaired.
  • Flaming arrows and catapulted rocks can hurt your characters, requiring bandages.
  • Flaming arrows and catapulted rocks can kill your animals outright–take advantage of the save system and reload.
  • Catapulted rocks can damage buildings built in the yellow area.
  • Catapulted rocks, if they hit empty ground, will result in a piece of rock that can be scavenged and used for defense (just another reason not to build in the yellow area as it lowers this chance).
  • It may seem obvious, but what determines if you win/lose a fight is if your power number is higher than the opposing army. I actually lost a fight because I didn’t realize this until too late.
  • I believe if you lose twice, your keep gets overrun.
  • An easy early game way of equipping your soldiers is to kill multiple enemy guards and then repair their axes. This can very quickly get your men the 15 maximum weapons. This has pros and cons. Obviously filling those 15 weapon slots is great, but you will see much heavier guard patrols at night and it will be much harder to scavenge so there is an early opportunity cost as a result. Mid to lategame though, if you’ve cleared out whole areas, you can then scavenge and run through those areas without any worry of guards.
  • A way to boost your power score early is to build multiple bows and arrows. Keep in mind though, do not over do it as you have to replenish those arrows every battle and even with an upgraded bench, 3 arrows take 1 iron ingot.
  • Do not fully supply arrows to 15 slots early game. This is a marathon survival game. Use enough arrows to put yourself just over the enemy’s power level then work on equipping your men with betters arms and armor.
  • Each Trebuchet attack will remove 3 points of the enemy’s power rating.
  • Trebuchet will randomly break during combat requiring a random amount of planks and materials to repair.
  • If you are going to use the trebuchet, make sure to have 2 to 3 pots of oil ready.
  • You do not need to have 15 swords and 15 heavy armor to win the main scenario, but you will want every weapon and armor slot filled with something.




  • Valuables are only good for one thing – trading. As such, early game do not bring them into the keep unless you have no other items to put in that bag slot. Just set them down near the spawn area for when you plan to trade.
  • Good items to trade early game are medicine and bandages as you probably will not need them for awhile.
  • Good items to trade late game are axes, light armor, and raw meat. Axes and light armor are returned to the player as you upgrade the soldier’s gear while raw meat is hopefully being overproduced.
  • The traders are pretty stingy with broken weapons/armor and items that take multiple crafting steps. For example, raw meat is “cheaper” to trade for than dried meat.
  • In the Golden Corner, do not trade for the broken heavy armor early game because you will not be able to repair it for awhile. Trade for wood, materials, or food instead.
  • The trader inventories do not respawn. What you see the first time is what you get. Once you trade for an item, the trader will never have that item again. For this reason, I keep track of what their inventory last was so I know if I want to go back and what to go back for.
  • As far as I know, there are 3 locations to trade: Golden Corner, Temple, and a small boat just past the locked Market Place door.




  • Most of the time, you will have time within a single night to make two scavenging trips around the city to grab items. Something I did in This War of Mine (TWOM) translates fairly well here. First, do your initial run and when your bags are fairly full, go back to the exit point. Drop all of your inventory (except for torches, shovels, weapon as needed). Then do your second run and grab more stuff. Then run back to the exit and interact with your dropped loot, select what you need most, and drop the stuff into the drop pile that you don’t need as much. We’ll call this our “scavenged pile”.
  • All scavenged piles, ie ones you make or ones you have already looted, are instant loots.
  • All new piles, ie ones you have never touched, take either ~4.4 seconds (with “collecting+) or ~5 seconds to loot.
  • The advantage of your pre-placed scavenged pile is threefold. 1) You will save yourself time in subsequent trips when scavenging trips start taking longer, 2) If and when you did a scavenging run, you did not get a full bag or did not get the loot you wanted, you can supplement from the scavenged pile right before exiting, and 3) you can leave behind a weapon in your scavenged pile for guerrilla runs, either to clear areas of guards and/or to farm broken axes without taking up space for returning needs items to the keep.


Character Needs – Food, Water, Sleep


  • Like TWOM, you can wait two days to attend to needs (food & water)
  • If any need (food, water, sleep) gets to yellow level, your character will walk and craft slower.
  • If any need (food, water, sleep) gets to red level, your character will basically crawl and crafting will be near to impossible.
  • I believe, though it never got that bad, if any need gets past red, the character dies.
  • Do not ever feed your characters eggs, raw meat, raw vegetables, dried meat, or dried vegetables. Make meals and then feed them.
  • Do not ever give your characters food or water when their need level is white.
  • Make sure everyone is as rested as much as possible before initial scout nights and before days of battle. Otherwise it’s ok to let characters get tired during the day as long as you plan to let them sleep that night.
  • Make sure your #1 scavenger or the character you want to take out that night is rested during the day.


Character Needs – Wounds & Sickness


  • Like in TWOM, Lightly wounded or slightly sick can usually be cured by sleeping. However, the resources needed to treat either are really cheap in effort and materials (makeshift bandages, herbal medicines). It’s really a judgement call on your part whether or not to treat the condition.
  • Medicine and bandages can be used to treat much more serious conditions or are good for trading for other much needed items.


Final Thoughts

This grew to be a lot larger list of tips than I originally planned, but hopefully it helps.

As a side note, I think one thing this game is missing is a reddit page. Gloria victis has one, but I’m not sure trying to use that would be as helpful as having a separate reddit page devoted to Siege Survival.

Good luck out there!

Written by Vampiresbane

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