SCP: Secret Laboratory Playing Without a Mic

SCP: Secret Laboratory Playing Without a Mic 1 -
SCP: Secret Laboratory Playing Without a Mic 1 -
Simple guide on strategies to playing micless. Whether you don’t like talking, have no mic, or wanna make a bad Mario video on playing something without a core ingredient, this is meant to be for you.




Welcome to the guide! I’ll get straight into things. 

“I have no mic”

There are two simple ways to tell someone.. Not talking, or having “no mic” in your Steam name. Other than that, there’s not really an amazing way to tell people. 


You can “signal” to other players easily in-game. If you’re stuck outside of a room people may assume you’re an SCP and attempt to speak via the error message when you try opening the room, such as “2 clicks for yes, 1 for no”. 
Aside from that, if you’re not in a hurry, you can signal yes and no by either jumping twice (if the person tells you to), or simply nodding/shaking your head no. 
If you want someone to follow you or go somewhere, then you can waste a bullet or two shooting in the general direction, or moving back in forth towards the desired direction. This can be used for telling teammates to open doors, lockers, follow you, etc. 


You can use the radio with V if you have one. As if that’ll be useful.. At some point, radios made a sound whenever activated, but as far as I can tell, that doesn’t happen anymore. Radios are effectively useless outside of receiving info. 

“I don’t know”

One of the major issues with having no mic is your incapability of saying “I don’t know”. Is SCP-106 in the game? You can say yes or no and risk lying, but it may cost the game. Most players will take not signalling at all as a way of saying “I don’t know”, though it may cause difficulty between you two. 


Telling strategies to your teammates is impossible. Do not try it, and instead follow what your teammates suggest. Don’t try your own thing. 

Begging For Your Life Like a Fool

It is impossible to negotiate with SCPs. Bartering for your life by jumping up once or twice will not work. 
MTF/Chaos are entities I consider to be “late game”. Most people later on in the game let go of their disarmers, and Chaos do not spawn with disarmers. Attempting to negotiate with them won’t work. 
So.. what about facility guards? Though difficult, some facility guards are actually decent human beings. On that note, please spare people as a guard. As long as the guard is nice, they won’t fire at you unless: 

  • You resist by running away, or running around them 
  • You are holding or were holding a gun 
  • You are next to or were affiliated with an armed ally 
  • It is late in the game and disarmers have been dropped

Thankfully, as of late, some more popular servers have rules imposed to promote guards being Nice. So as long as you aren’t holding a weapon when they see you, they’ll probably spare you. No guarantees, though. 


SCP-096 is the easiest SCP to play without a mic. That’s why he’s first, this guide organizes SCPs by how hard they are to be without a mic. 
If you’re lucky, SCP-939 will find you and report to your little SCP friends that you do in fact exist. If you’re not lucky, someone will ask if anyone else is with him, and be disappointed. Find them if you can! But always take killing enemies like D-Class over finding your SCP friend. You’ll find them later if anything. 


With the 096 update, a few new features are here for 096. Fortunately, it doesn’t change much regarding how to play. You can always barge into 914 without having to ask a computer. But if you’re near the end of charge, either leave ASAP or keep one or two people alive. They’ll get you charged back up whether they want to or not, so that you can slaughter them and escape. 



As SCP-173, you will have a similar experience to SCP-096. Your main issue is being unknown by your teammates. However, your spawn point can lead to a couple issues, mainly being that exposing the fact you exist is a bit harder than usual. The simple way to overcome this is to do the same as SCP-096. Locate your teammates, whilst playing the game normally and killing everyone ever. If someone says they’ll be going to somewhere, like 914, then go there if they haven’t seen you already. 



SCP-106 is not much different from SCP-173 and SCP-096. Implement the same strategy of informing your teammates you exist. 

Protecting Spawn


You can’t tell your team to protect your spawn. Your best bet is to set a portal down and protect yourself from human sacrifices and the sweet sound of femurs splitting. Check on your spawn every time you catch a batch of people, or even one isolated person. At most, you’ll have protection from the computer who will randomly check on your spawn if they’re nice enough. But don’t rely on your teammates to protect it. 


SCP-049 is a little odd to play around with, since you can’t give your zombies orders. So in actuality, you’re stuck following behind the horde rather than the horde following you. Never stray from your minions. 
Overall, there is not much difference between 049 and the other playable SCPs. Just stick to your zombies, since unless you want to waste time setting up an ambush, you won’t get far. 


SCP-939 is among the worst SCPs to play without a mic. You are effectively useless, not being able to talk. However, patience is rewarding. 
Ambush tactics are amazing with 939. Since you struggle to announce your presence to the local D-Class, instead you should try to hide it. Walking makes no sounds whatsoever, so keep walking until you find someone moving. If they haven’t seen you, and are in another room, make your way over and hide behind a door or corner. Once they arrive to you, its time to strike. There’s not much one can do when they’ve walked straight into you. 
Announcing yourself to the other SCPs is extremely easy, though! Since you can see all your friends, you can entirely walk up to one of them, and see your fellow no-mic SCPs. 


I really like playing as 079. But I also have no mic. So I hate 079. 
The best way to announce yourself is by closing a door in front of someone you know has a mic. From most of my experiences, they’ll announce your existence to everyone else, letting you roam free to grind up as much as you need. 
I won’t go over grinding because it’s boring and not related to having no mic! 

Support Class

As SCP-079, you are entirely support for your team. Never stray far, because trying to guide them somewhere wastes way too much energy and time. If you really want to though, you can always open every single door that leads them to the area. 
Plainly follow your SCP friends as much as possible. Close and lock doors that people are trying to run to, open 914 if someone asks, and make sure you aren’t leading your ally to certain death. Close a door theyre running to if there’s something bad there, like a gang of MTF with a micro and 3 grenades each. 


get a mic please spare your own life 
this guide was a WIP like 2 years old and after finishing the 079 portion i figured that i should just joke in the conclusion “get a mic bro” and leave it at that and lo and behold literally nothing has changed jesus christ 

Written by Keechoo

Here we come to an end for SCP: Secret Laboratory Playing Without a Mic hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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