Raft Meals & Drinks Achievement Guide

Raft Meals & Drinks Achievement Guide 1 - steamsplay.com
Raft Meals & Drinks Achievement Guide 1 - steamsplay.com

Have all buffs from meals and drinks active on you at the same time.
To get this achievement, you need to eat two power up drinks and 3 power up meals. You can buy the recipes you need from the trading post. If you don’t want to deal with purchasing, the food and drinks you need are here for you;


Raft Meals & Drinks Achievement Guide - Meals - 98AE210
You can cook food with the help of grill at any level.
1) Salmon Salad
A) Mango or Pineapple
B) Salmon
C) Silver aglae (You can find it deep of sea)
D) Tumeric (You can buy it from trading post)
2) Hearty Stew
A) Potato
B) Mushroom
C) Raw Meet (You can get it from bears or other meaty animals)
D) Juniper (You can buy it from trading post)
3) Catfish Deluxe
A) Potato or Raw Beet
B) Catfish (You can catch it via fishing rod)
C) Mushroom (You can buy it from trading post)
D) Chili (You can buy it from trading post)


Raft Meals & Drinks Achievement Guide - Drinks - 643F26F
You can make drinks with the help of Juicer
1) Redbeet Shot
A) 2 Beetroots (You can buy it from trading post)
B) Coconut (You can find it from the island)
C) Turmeric. (You can buy it from trading post)
2) Spicy pineberry
A) Pineapple (You can find it from the island)
B) 2 Strawberries (You can find it from the island)
C) Chili (You can buy it from trading post)
Drink and eat them all. You will have the Achievement.

Written by mDre, Eo-Lia

Here we come to an end for Raft Meals & Drinks Achievement Guide hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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