People Playground Something on the map Tower

People Playground Something on the map Tower 2 -
People Playground Something on the map Tower 2 -
An interesting fact that I noticed quite by accident



I noticed something strange while completing the “Faraday Malfunction” achievement. I decided to experiment with this gadget. I replaced the turntable with a TV in order to test it and found this … 

Stage 1 of the experiment

After replacing, I noticed that the screen went black for a second (literally a fraction of a second). And it prompted me to think about a gossip. 
After thinking, I came up with such an assembly of items 
1 iron stick (Metal Pole); TV (Television). 
I connected everything and started the test 
People Playground Something on the map Tower 

The result of it all

I noticed changes on the screen, instead of the usual code for the Abuse card (at that time it was 2:00 AM). I noticed a VERY strange 
imagePeople Playground Something on the map Tower 
People Playground Something on the map Tower 
People Playground Something on the map Tower 
People Playground Something on the map Tower 
People Playground Something on the map Tower 
Strange music played in the background, and this circle, ball, what else to call it. Easier to say dial or whatever 


If anyone knows what this is, write a comment, or in the PM. I’ll be very thankful!!! 

Written by JAba

This is all for People Playground Something on the map Tower hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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