People Playground Ragdoll Survival Log #2

People Playground Ragdoll Survival Log #2 1 -
People Playground Ragdoll Survival Log #2 1 -
Part 2 to the previous log.


Log #2

Well…this has been quite a day, my recording was broken so I had to ditch the tape so as a heads up, I still might be alive! Great news…I guess, things haven’t gotten any easier, the cursor is adapting, it gained a new power allowing it to spawn in smarter versions of us. The cursor is even able to possess them! I call them “Active Humans” but the main part of survival is to adapt so I will adapt to the cursor adapting if that makes any sense. I’ve been doing well so far but staying sane is proving a challenge those dang gorses knocked me out and dragged me to a cave. The cave was easy for the cursor to track down so all hell broke loose, the cursor dropped a few bombs and knocked the top off. The debris crushed the gorse hive so that’s one less thing to worry about, the cursor managed to get a shot in on my leg so I had to crawl. I left a bloody trail but washed myself off before it could track me, I think I might have to camp out for quite a bit. The cursor has made it so that we need food to survive, can you believe it? The nerve of the cursor sometimes gets to me, I’m running low on rations so I’ll have to head out soon, I met another survivor after the gorse incident. He tried to shoot me in the head but I swept his leg and got him good with a knife. These are desperate times honestly, I can’t get back to my house due to my current condition. All I have is a knife and a few ration bars, I took a gun from the other survivor but its pretty low on ammo. I wish things could at least be a bit easier ynow? Sometimes I just wanna relax and watch tv, but life isn’t easy in this world and frankly I think I have to get used to that. Talking into a rectangle sure helps a bit but soon enough I’m going to die…its the truth I don’t want to admit to myself. Watching that cursor with all the power at its fingertips…everything done with so much ease it makes me wonder if its all just a game to the cursor…Ill never know. “I think I saw him go into here!” Oh god I think somebody followed me, give me a quick moment. “THERE HE IS!!! HE KILLED JORDAN!” *metal clashing on metal* YOU WANNA TAKE ME ON IDIOT? CMON! *gunshot* “HEY GET OVER HERE MAX” *multiple gunshots* “HEY I THINK HE’S DEAD.” *sound of a knife being drawn* THINK AGAIN YOU LITTLE-*static*

Out of recording space, please insert new cartridge to continue recording.

More survival tips.

Ever since the cursor got new powers thing’s have gotten a bit tougher, there are people from the “Sorrors npc pack” they are unforgiving…they work for the cursor but are sometimes friendly. I haven’t noticed any pattern though, I think it has something to do with the “Active Humans” whatever it is I haven’t figured it out. So the first order of business, I found a way to tell if the human is being controlled by the cursor. The human seems to move a bit stiffly and honestly doesn’t act very bright, when they punch they seem to just throw themselves at you without any plan. Their voices are monotone and they kind of seem like robots. Speaking of robots, the cursor has access to full on androids. They are very durable and my pistol bullets don’t seem to do very much to them, they are heavier and able to wield bigger weapons without any visible problem. The best way to deal with them are laser weapons which I find a bit tough to acquire, the cursor doesn’t seem to use them much but I could be wrong. It’s not like I walk up to the cursor everyday, even if I did I probably wouldn’t be writing in this notebook because I probably would be dead. If you are reading this notebook I have logs and recordings of my experiences you should probably look for those too just in case. My recording stick seems a bit half melted from gorse acid and has a view tattered pieces of duct tape stuck on them. Just a tip to stay sane, I recommend making logs like me, it seems a bit unnecessary but trust me, it helps. This page is running a bit short because while I write this I’m in a bit of a pickle if you catch my drift but anyways keep a look out for more pages or recordings, I have information that could potentially save your life in this cruel world of people playground.

Cursor point of view sneak peek.

The little bastard escaped again…this one particular runaway seems to be more intelligent than the rest. Maybe a glitch in the system? I can’t be sure but it’s getting better at fighting, it knows about fps and quite frankly it lags my game a lot. I sent a few gorses and them returned with him but he managed to escape to my dismay. He doesn’t realize that without me his world doesn’t exist and that I am the only thing keeping him alive, I could delete him right now but I’m curious to see how this goes. He’s my little experiment but he is yet to figure that out I will watch him with much interest, his is an interesting specimen. I have decided against sticking him in a stasis chamber his behavior seems much different than the rest. I know he is trying to survive but he seems to have another goal that I have yet to figure out. Anyways I must get back to work, MidnightMaroon12 signing off.

Written by MidnightMaroon

Hope you enjoy the post for People Playground Ragdoll Survival Log #2, If you think we should update the post or something is wrong please let us know via comment and we will fix it how fast as possible! Thank you and have a great day!

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