Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained! 1 -
Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained! 1 -
Explanations for parameters in a custom game.


PvE & PvP

PvE: Players cause NO direct damage to players of another team. They can only do indirect damage.
PvP: Players cause direct damage to players of another team, and do more damage to structures of another team than in PvE.

Indirect damage includes burning damage-over-time debuffs, pulsing fire damage from a burning structure, and Barbed Fences.
Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!
In either game mode, electrical traps can be programmed by a Trap Controller to damage any non-hostile players.

In a single player games, there is no UI for changing PvE/PvP parameter.

In a Player Server game, there is, but only before a game is created.
Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

In a Dedicated Server game, they are values for the Mode parameter in the ServerSettings.ini file.

The value can be changed to:

No Team Kill (NTK)

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained! - No Team Kill (NTK)

When it’s checked, players of the same team cause NO direct damage to one another. They can only do indirect damage.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :
This means no direct damage among team members.

It can be changed to:
This means team members can kill one another.

Player Models

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained! - Player Models
Player models can only be changed in the lobby room of a Player Server game.

There’re 4 models to choose from by left-clicking on the arrows beside the model.
Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

No access to the lobby room means no access to changing the model. A random model will be assigned to the player who joins the game after the lobby room has been closed.

A dedicated Server has no lobby room, so every player has a random model.

In a single player game, players can only play as the female protagonist, Lucy.

Resource Respawn

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained! - Resource Respawn

When checked, it allows respawns of bushes, trees, stone deposits, iron deposits, small stones, mushrooms, paper boxes, metal barrels, cars, wooden boxes, ammo boxes, fridges, book shelves, and completey emptied loot boxes.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Resource Respawn Time

The bigger the number, the longer it takes to respawn.

At 1%, it takes around 48~55 ingame hours to respawn. It doesn’t seem to be a fixed number of hours in 3 of my testings in v1.1.0.2.

At 100%, it takes exactly 15 ingame days to respawn. However, this is the value from v1.0.9.6, untested for v1.1.0.2.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Hardcore (HC)

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained! - Hardcore (HC)

When it’s checked, players cannot respawn after death. A “quit” botton will pop up instead of a “revive” button. This is not Ironman mode and will not delete any save file.
Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

In a multiplayer Hardcore game, each player has only one life per player account on a server session, emulating a PvP match like CS:GO.

A dead player will stay dead on the ground even after rejoining the server; therefore, do NOT check this parameter for a co-op server.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Two Zombie Types

Zombies can be divided into 2 types in terms of how they are spawned. None of them despawn. As a side note, all zombies suffer no fall damage. They can’t drown, and don’t float on water, but intead, travel on the bottom of water.

World Zombie
World Zombies are found around the world. They are placed in their designated locations (called Spawners) when a game is created for the first time.

Spawner is an invisible 3D object of various sizes and dimensions which World Zombies are placed at.

World Zombies can de-aggro and even be reset. When a player is being chased by them and is about 50 units away while not near their Spawner, the player can savescum to reset them back to their Spawner. This is the same mechanic with bears.

Some Spawners will replenish itself slowly over time when they’re not obstructed by certain types of player buildings.

Wave Zombie
Wave Zombies are spawned into the game during day waves and night waves. They actively seek out players, and they do NOT de-aggro, no matter where their player target goes.

When their player target is around 300 units away from them, they will turn off their collision boxes and fly to 300 units of that player target. The number 300 is not measured but eyeballed by using the perimeter walls of the hospital.

When within 300 units, they then turn collision back on and land on the terrain, which sometimes causes them to get stuck on prop objects. To get them unstuck for a preemptive strike, move 300 units away from them to your desired kill zone so as to force them to fly out. Or just kill them on site when they’re stuck. If left unattended, they will probably fly out eventually, because the player may venture out sometime, unintentionally moves 300 units away from them, and then gets ambushed.

However, they still cannot leave the game’s invisible map boundaries at the bottom of the ocean. They will just fall through the boundary, get teleported back to nearby land, and become 300 units away from their target again.

There are 6 Spawners for Wave Zombies, each of which is at one of the 6 bunkers, same places as players’ starting points.
Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

Wave Zombies need to be killed in order to prevent the computer from lagging due to zombie accumulation. Of course, one can survive for days in a game of 1300% difficulty by doing nothing but staying on the roof of a highrise, or on a floating structure. However, the build-up will eventually crash the computer. This is so true that devs then implemented auto-restart on official servers for this.

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!
Crawlers have been excluded from Wave Zombies few patches ago because they move too slowly and take too much time to reach their target, thus causing night waves to drag for too long.

No Wave (NW)

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained! - No Wave (NW)

When it’s checked, there will not be any Wave Zombies,

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Zombie HP

This only affects World Zombies.

Recommendation for new players: 15% ~ 30%.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Zombie Attack Damage

This affects both World Zombies and Wave Zombies, and is the second most important factor for a game’s difficulty.

Recommendation for new players: 15% ~ 30%.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Zombie Movement Speed

This affects both World Zombies and Wave Zombies.

Around 40%, even with the Marathoner perk, players will not be able to outrun fast zombies. However, players can still escape by parkour or by staggering zombies with fire.

As for Wave Zombies, custom loopers (traps that loop zombies’ pathing) will have to be designed with creativity by the players, since the stock loopers will fail to catch fast zombies. With creativity, even a group of the fastest zombies can be caught by custom loopers without any problem.

Recommendation for new players: 30%.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

World Zombie Spawn

This is the amount of World Zombies in a Spawner.

At 100%, there are 24 World Zombies in a Spawner; at 1%, 2 World Zombies. Usually there is only 1 Spawner inside a house. A complex may have multiple Spawners.

This number changes with patches. There was a time of 50 World Zombies per Spawner at 100%.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Hidden Multiplayer Multiplier

There is a hidden multiplier for scaling Wave Zombies parameters in a multiplayer game, which varies dynamically with the number of players on that server, and is set by the game developers.

The following parameters are for Wave Zombies.

Giant Zombie Amount

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained! - Giant Zombie Amount
Giants start to show up on day 10.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

As of v1.1.0.2, WaveGiantZombieAmount seems bugged on a dedicated server because it’s overwritten to 0 by the game.

Heavy Zombie Amount

The amount of these zombies in a wave.
Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

Make sure to fire-proof parts of the base by day 5 and get line-of-sight blockers by day 6.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Light Zombie Amount

The amount of these zombies in a wave, excluding the crawlers.
Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Wave Zombie HP

This is the most important factor for a game’s difficulty.

As an MMO game saying goes, dead players do no damage. In this game, dead zombies do no damage.

A common reason why a base gets destroyed is because zombies live long enough to wreak havoc. The higher the HP, the more damage they can accumulate.

Recommendation for new players: 15% ~ 30%.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Animal HP

At 100%, a rabbit takes 2 arrows from an unupgraded bow to die.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Animal Attack Damage


Animal Damage at 100%
Bear 150
Boar 105
Stag 90
Wolf 75
Fox 30

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Material Return Rate After Building Destruction

The percentage of the amount of a building’s materials that is returned after destruction.

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained!
There are 4 ways in which a building gets destroyed.
– damaged by players, zombie, or animals.
– burned down over a period of time.
– demolished by a player using a Claw Hammer.
– losing its supporting structure(s).

Builder perks reduce the amount of materials for making buildings. Buildings built before the acquirement of those perks will return more materials than those built afterwards, due to their different building costs.

Demolitionist perks can boost the return rate from Claw Hammer destruction by up to an additional 50%. However, the maximum return rate is always hard-capped at 100% by the game.

This parameter is a game changer for the economy. Since with 100% return rate, animal traps can be rebuilt instead of being reloaded. Traps can be moved with a Claw Hammer to different locations, making the combo of Bait Trap + Cutters a mobile fortress for clearing houses across the map quickly, saving lots of time.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

Initial Food Amount

Night of the Dead Parameter Mode Custom Game Explained! - Initial Food Amount
The amount of Energy Bars a player receives in the inventory when joining a game for the first time.

100. = 15 Energy Bars.

Dedicated server equivalence in ServerSettings.ini :

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