MONSTER HUNTER RISE How to HR Apex Hunts & Completing All Quests

MONSTER HUNTER RISE How to HR Apex Hunts & Completing All Quests 1 -
MONSTER HUNTER RISE How to HR Apex Hunts & Completing All Quests 1 -

A frequently asked question simply answered

Completing All Quests

MONSTER HUNTER RISE How to HR Apex Hunts & Completing All Quests - Completing All Quests - F63C411

If you are a veteran, you do not need this.

When you do everything in Monster Hunter Rise with no exception, you will never experience this kind of issue.

What kind of issue it is you wonder?

Well… Hunters being confused just getting a blue checkmark on their quest list, and losing track and orientation what else to do to make it truly complete.

Aside of the HR100 Hunt unlock, which opens up the famous Crimson Glow Valstrax Hunt, there are six more which have been added over the time.

The Avaricious Apex Arzuros

The Graceful Apex Rathian

The Harlequin Apex Mizutsune

The Fearsome Apex Rathalos

The Devastating Apex Diablos

The Voltaic Apex Zinogre

Unlike event quests or the HR unlockables, you need to encounter and hunt each Apex monster at least once in a Rampage. Once you have beaten such a Rampage, the related High Rank quest becomes available to you.

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As you can see on the left image, not all Apex monster Rampages are available all the time. You might need to refresh the selection by going into another hunt until the desired target monster becomes available for Rampage.

Unlike common sense, it does not suffice if you beat the Apex monster once in multiplayer or in a more advanced version/event quest. It is absolute necessary to do the related Rampage to unlock the Apex hunt. And even if you actually did the Apex hunt in multiplayer successfully, it will not unlock for your own list until you meet all required conditions.

Trivia: the blue checkmark only turns into a red which indicates a full completion once you finish the quest successfully and have it on your list. Just doing the quest in multiplayer without actually having it appearing in your list will keep the blue checkmark, indicating you are still missing something.

Happy Hunting!

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Veteran’s Tip

A common mistake new hunters make, who are unwilling to be part of the community, is to rely too much on random internet resources which might simply be outdated, mistaken, or misleading. For example, did you know that these two quests vanish?

The Crimson Glow

Death from Above

Once you successfully finished them they change into

The Evil Star from Beyond

Return of the Bazelgeuse

An obvious fact and yet still often overlooked by those who stubbornly follow lists and such without giving any thoughts. Weird, as that kind of behaviour does not reflect the spirit of Monster Hunter…

Written by アンジェル

This is all for MONSTER HUNTER RISE How to HR Apex Hunts & Completing All Quests hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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