Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Tips and Walkthrough + Playthrough

Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Tips and Walkthrough + Playthrough 1 - steamsplay.com
Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Tips and Walkthrough + Playthrough 1 - steamsplay.com

Walk-through guide of locating and rescuing all captured merchants to populate your Camp in Minecraft Dungeons.
Village Merchant • Mystery Merchant • Luxury Merchant • Gift Wrapper • Blacksmith
A Steam Guide adaption of the visual guide – [imgur.com]  collaboratively constructed by Raybeano99, LordForce, Bon Bon, & Altakar.
Inspired by .augis’ Secret Scroll visual guide (pre- – [imgur.com] .

Village Merchant – Creeper Woods

Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Tips and Walkthrough + Playthrough - Village Merchant - Creeper Woods - 519DD67
Enter the Creeper Woods and release the non-merchant villager to unlock the first gate of the mission adjacent to the lake.
Follow the main objective path marker past the scroll cave exit until you arrive at a large stone creeper head with a glowing mouth entrance. Navigate down the hill and enter the head.
Survive the Creeper ambush within and explore. The Village Merchant is located at the rear of the head’s interior.

Mystery Merchant – Pumpkin Pastures

Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Tips and Walkthrough + Playthrough - Mystery Merchant - Pumpkin Pastures - DFB72CF
Enter the Pumpkin Pastures and follow the main objective path marker until arriving at a large boat with a double door entrance.
Enter the large boat, defeat the mobs within and rescue the Mystery Merchant at the centre of the room.

Luxury Merchant – Cacti Canyon

Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Tips and Walkthrough + Playthrough - Luxury Merchant - Cacti Canyon - D3DBB42
Traverse through Cacti Canyon following the main objective path marker and defeat the ambush past the golden Key Golem gate.
After defeating the ambush, venture forward and turn right at the staircase down to the mission exit to rescue the Luxury Merchant.

Gift Wrapper – Soggy Swamp

Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Tips and Walkthrough + Playthrough - Gift Wrapper - Soggy Swamp - 83D85D4
Journey through the Soggy Swamp and defeat the Corrupted Cauldron. the boss of the mission.
Leave the boss arena through the lowered gate to rescue the Gift Wrapper.

Blacksmith – Redstone Mines

Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Tips and Walkthrough + Playthrough - Blacksmith - Redstone Mines - 627365E
Enter the Redstone Mines and defeat the Redstone Golem, the boss of the mission.
Leave the arena and cross the stone bridge leading to the mission exit. Turn right before the mission exit to follow a path to the captured Blacksmith.

Written by Raybeano99

Here we come to an end for Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Tips and Walkthrough + Playthrough hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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