How to Reach the Secret Ending – Black Myth: Wukong

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How to Reach the Secret Ending - Black Myth: Wukong 2 -

How to Reach the Secret Ending – Black Myth: Wukong

Embark on an extraordinary quest to uncover the hidden depths of Black Myth: Wukong. Secret locations and hidden bosses are just the tip of the iceberg in this captivating adventure. As you delve into the mystical world inspired by Chinese mythology, you’ll discover that reaching the true ending requires more than just following the main storyline. Get ready to explore uncharted territories, face formidable foes, and unravel intricate mysteries that will test your skills and determination.

Quick Answer: Unlocking the Secret Ending

To reach the Secret Ending (True Ending) in Black Myth: Wukong, you must complete three main tasks before finishing Chapter 6:

  1. Defeat secret bosses in Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5
  2. Complete the Treasure Hunter Quest in Chapter 3
  3. Defeat Erlang the Sacred Divinity in Chapter 3

The Path to Enlightenment: Understanding Black Myth: Wukong’s Multiple Endings

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How to Reach the Secret Ending – Black Myth: Wukong 3 –

Before we dive into the intricacies of unlocking the Secret Ending, it’s crucial to understand that Black Myth: Wukong offers players multiple ways to conclude their journey. While the default ending is attainable by simply completing Chapter 6 and defeating the final boss, true enlightenment lies beyond this surface-level conclusion.

For those willing to go the extra mile, a far more rewarding and profound ending awaits. This Secret Ending, often referred to as the True Ending, is the ultimate goal for players seeking to experience the full depth of the game’s narrative and challenges.

My Personal Journey: A Tale of Discovery and Perseverance

When I first embarked on my Black Myth: Wukong adventure, I had no idea of the hidden wonders that awaited me. Like many players, I initially focused on blazing through the main story, eager to see how the tale of the Monkey King would unfold. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon a mysterious cave entrance in Chapter 1 that I realized there was so much more to this game than meets the eye.

That chance discovery led me down a rabbit hole of exploration, challenging boss fights, and intricate puzzles that tested both my gaming skills and my patience. I remember spending hours trying to decipher the clues for the Treasure Hunter Quest, only to find myself face-to-face with a boss that seemed impossible to defeat. But with each setback came a lesson, and with each victory, a sense of accomplishment that made the journey all the more rewarding.

The Three Pillars of the Secret Ending

To unlock the coveted Secret Ending in Black Myth: Wukong, you must complete three main objectives before reaching the point of no return in Chapter 6. Let’s break down each of these tasks in detail:

1. Conquering the Hidden Realms: Secret Bosses and Areas

Scattered throughout the game world are secret areas, each guarded by a powerful boss. These encounters are not only challenging but also crucial for unlocking the True Ending. Here’s a rundown of the secret bosses you need to defeat:

  • Chapter 1 – Elder Jinchi at the Ancient Guanyin Temple: To access this area, you’ll need to ring three hidden bells in the Forest of Wolves. Defeating Elder Jinchi rewards you with the valuable Fireproof Mantle.
  • Chapter 2 – Fuban in the Kingdom of Sahali: A peculiar side quest involving a drunken boar leads to this encounter. Overcoming Fuban, a gigantic insectoid boss, grants you the Wind Tamer vessel.
  • Chapter 4 – Duskveil at Purple Cloud Mountain: This mysterious boss guards another piece of the puzzle needed for the Secret Ending.
  • Chapter 5 – Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast in its Den: The final secret boss you’ll need to defeat on your path to enlightenment.

Pro tip: Don’t underestimate these hidden bosses. They’re designed to be challenging, so make sure you’re well-equipped and have honed your skills before taking them on.

2. The Treasure Hunter’s Trail: A Quest of Wit and Skill

The Treasure Hunter Quest, which begins in Chapter 3, is a crucial component in unlocking the Secret Ending. This multi-step adventure will test your problem-solving skills and combat prowess. Here’s a brief overview of the quest:

  1. Locate the Treasure Hunter NPC at the North Shore of Bitter Lake.
  2. Follow their trail to the Valley of Ecstasy, where you’ll need to use the Ring of Fire spell to warm up the NPC.
  3. Track them down to the Melon Field shrine for the final confrontation with the Green-Capped Martialist.

Completing this quest rewards you with the Spell Binder, a unique magical item that blocks all spells except those involving your staff. This item will prove invaluable in the challenges that lie ahead.

3. The Ultimate Test: Facing Erlang the Sacred Divinity

With the secret bosses defeated and the Treasure Hunter Quest completed, your final task awaits in Chapter 3. Erlang the Sacred Divinity, hidden away in the Pagoda Realm, stands as the true final boss of Black Myth: Wukong.

To reach this formidable foe:

  1. Head to the Pagoda Realm in Chapter 3
  2. Follow the path down from the Snow-Veiled Trail shrine
  3. Make your way to Mount Mei for the ultimate showdown

Warning: Erlang is arguably the most challenging boss in the entire game. It’s highly recommended that you complete Chapter 6 first to obtain the best weapons and armor before attempting this fight.

The Final Hurdle: The Four Heavenly Kings and Erlang Shen

Just when you think you’ve overcome the greatest challenge, Black Myth: Wukong has one last surprise in store. After defeating Erlang the Sacred Divinity, you’ll face the Four Heavenly Kings, followed by the true final boss, Erlang Shen.

This epic battle sequence is the culmination of your entire journey, testing everything you’ve learned and every skill you’ve honed. Emerge victorious, and you’ll be rewarded with the True Ending, complete with unique cutscenes and the ultimate achievement.

Beyond the Secret Ending: New Game+ and Hidden Secrets

Unlocking the Secret Ending is a monumental achievement, but it doesn’t mark the end of your Black Myth: Wukong adventure. After completing the game, you can dive into New Game+, where tougher enemies and new challenges await.

This mode is perfect for players who may have missed certain bosses or secrets during their initial playthrough. It’s also an opportunity to experience the story again with a deeper understanding of the game’s lore and hidden connections.

Mastering the Monkey King: Tips for Success

As someone who’s traversed the perilous path to the Secret Ending, I’ve gathered some valuable insights that might help you on your journey:

  • Explore thoroughly: Many secret areas are hidden behind seemingly innocuous details. Take your time to examine every nook and cranny of each level.
  • Upgrade wisely: Focus on upgrading your favorite skills and equipment. A well-honed set of abilities is often more effective than a jack-of-all-trades approach.
  • Learn boss patterns: Each boss, especially the hidden ones, has unique attack patterns. Take the time to study and adapt to these patterns for a smoother victory.
  • Use your environment: Many battle arenas contain elements that can be used to your advantage. Look for opportunities to turn the tide of battle using your surroundings.
  • Don’t get discouraged: Some of the secret bosses are incredibly challenging. If you find yourself stuck, take a break, upgrade your gear, and return with a fresh perspective.

The Road to Enlightenment: A Checklist for the True Ending

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How to Reach the Secret Ending – Black Myth: Wukong 4 –

To help you keep track of your progress towards the Secret Ending, here’s a handy checklist of the major tasks you need to complete:

Task Location Reward
Defeat Elder Jinchi Ancient Guanyin Temple (Chapter 1) Fireproof Mantle
Defeat Fuban Kingdom of Sahali (Chapter 2) Wind Tamer Vessel
Complete Treasure Hunter Quest Various locations (Chapter 3) Spell Binder
Defeat Duskveil Purple Cloud Mountain (Chapter 4) Mysterious Artifact
Defeat Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Golden-Eyed Beast’s Den (Chapter 5) Enlightenment Shard
Defeat Erlang the Sacred Divinity Mount Mei (Chapter 3) Access to True Final Battle

Conclusion: The Journey of a Thousand Miles

Reaching the Secret Ending in Black Myth: Wukong is no small feat. It requires dedication, skill, and a keen eye for detail. But for those who persevere, the rewards are immeasurable. Not only will you experience a richer, more profound conclusion to the story, but you’ll also have pushed yourself to master every aspect of the game.

Remember, the path to enlightenment is not just about the destination, but the journey itself. Each secret boss defeated, each puzzle solved, and each challenge overcome contributes to your growth as a player and deepens your connection to the rich world of Black Myth: Wukong.

So grab your staff, sharpen your wits, and embark on this epic quest. The true ending awaits those brave and clever enough to uncover it. May your journey be as thrilling as the legends that inspired it!

How to Reach the Secret Ending (True Ending) – Black Myth: Wukong is more than just a guide—it’s an invitation to discover the hidden depths of this extraordinary game. Secret locations and hidden bosses are just the tip of the iceberg in your quest for the ultimate conclusion. Are you ready to go beyond the surface and uncover the true essence of the Monkey King’s tale?

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