Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console 1 - steamsplay.com
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console 1 - steamsplay.com
After the video about “toolpack” was promoted  (Yes, I’m not a native English speaker), I noticed how people are really interested in this topic. I’ve been interested in this since 2018 and I don’t think the toolbox is effective. Yes, it simplifies some of the processes, but it has fewer features than the console …
But in any case, nothing prevents you from using them together, but if you are as much an adherent of the old methods as I am, you are welcome 🙂


And before you start – read it!

structured. Below will be a list of commands and what you can do with them, AND BY COLLECTING AND USING ALL THIS TOGETHER, you can already create a script.
What is it for?
Gathering a large company to play any modification is possible only if many friends have been talked into in advance, but this can be difficult. And in this way, you can call only 1-3 friends and wait a little until the random houses come in. Since these saves are not will be modifications for the game, everyone can go to your servers!

Introduction and basics

– Some screenshots will be in Russian (writing this manual takes a lot of time, and then new screenshots should be made in another language version of the game)
– To open the console, press “` “.
– Everything that has been done will work in multiplayer, you just need to save it in a single player game and load it on the network after creating the server.
– You can share what you create (there are plenty of ways), but you have to remember that without DLC your creativity won’t work for them , provided that you created work with them.
– Save with a world map without DLC, it will be free to start for anyone.
– This guide does NOT list all kinds of console commands. I’ll only show you the ones that use the most!
– In this guide, as well, does not affect events, although they can be used to arrange a lot!
– If you do not have any or all DLCs, then some features for creating scripts may not be available for you!
Before starting the game, set custom rules of the game (lower right corner).
Good customization will help you make the AI ​​behave the way you want it to
(to get the plot).
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Examples of what can be done

Scenario mid-1945, not long after Germany’s surrender.
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

The script from the beginning of 1956. (Already formed and can be seen on the map of NATO and ATS alliances)
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

The script for the beginning of 2000.
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Mid-1914 script. The beginning of the Great War.
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

The script for the beginning of 1917. Shortly before the abdication of Nicholas II.

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

And finally, my pride, the script from 1444.
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Vanilla has few suitable countries for such an early period, so I had to choose from what was available. Instead of Venice – Slovenia, instead of Crimea – Ukraine, instead of Novgorod – Belarus

Border Commands

The command TDEBUG is the best friend of the mapcreator, which contains all the detailed information about the province, but we are interested in two specific lines:Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

First (province ID =) and third (state ID =). At the end of the first line, the TAG of the state is written, which controls the province (and you will have to work with tags often). The last line contains the number-id of the province. Yes, it is there [/ u]! In our case – 513.
The ADD_CORE command allows you to nationalize the selected provinces to the selected countries.

The TAG command switches you to the country whose tag you entered.

With the help of these three commands, you can edit state borders as you like.
For example, first we nationalize the province: “add_core 762 ger” – 762 is the id of the Polish region of Katowice, and “ger” is the tag of Germany, and then we switch to Poland (if we haven’t been there at first) and give Katowice to Germany.
You can do without the country tag altogether. In this case, you have to sit for the country you want to give up. For example, sitting in Germany, we write:
“Add_core 762”, then “tag pol” to switch to Poland and give away the region.
in the example below, I gave Japan the east of the USSR [/[previewicon][/previewicon]i]
There is a command to remove the national territory remove_core, but again, it did not work for me. To remove erroneously issued claims, simply give this region to someone else and the national province will subside.

Also, using add_core, you can create states, which in the game do not exist at all at the start .
in the example below: I entered “add_Core 65 ddr” into the console and this is what happened.

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

6. is the id of Saxony and DDR is the tag of East Germany.

There is an easier way without nationalizing the province: Command setowner + country tag = adds the selected region to the country whose tag you specified, keeping all national claims (which add_Core cannot boast of). It is also an excellent option for changing the boundaries of subjects, because they are forbidden to give territory through the “occupied provinces”

Tags not existing in the 1936 script, countries

You can spawn them with the add_core command.
WGR – West Germany. Note: if the original Germany (GER) and West / East are in the game at the same time, then the second will annex the first one after some time according to its scripts. Be careful.
I would also like to add that DDR and WGR are very raw and not done countries. They lack almost all the politicians and social institutions that can be put into the government.
DDR – East Germany
HAN from Westphalia
SAX – Saxony
PRE – Prussia
SHL – Schleswig-Holstein
MEK – Mecklenburg
WUR – Württemberg
SLO – Slovakia
ADU – Al-Andalus
CSA – Confederation of America. Note: CSA is a very interesting country, albeit with minor tricks. Having freed her, you can see her several unique solutions, and if, after liberation, you force her to fight with the United States, then when cities are captured, the Confederation will receive events for creating divisions or replenishing the stock of weapons. With all this, I want to say that these events are NOT tied to the tricks of the United States and you can independently arrange this interesting war without touching Roosevelt’s tricks at all.

POSSIBLE , the latter works only with DLC Man The Guns

cheats Resistance and WP

The “resistance” cheat allows you to raise the level of the uprising in the occupied territories.
For example: “resistance 50”, “resistance -34” – decrease or increase the percentage of revolt.
To activate, you need to click and keep the region occupied by someone selected, and then enter the cheat.
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

And the command WP, which signs a white peace between the applying country and the one whose tag will be indicated (for example, how to sign a peace between the rebellious Algeria and France? Switch to France and enter: “wp alg”)
SO HERE! How does this help in scripting? You can make a high enough level of resistance so that a rebellion begins in a few days (only it is necessary that the rebellion was raised equally high in all the occupied provinces with the chosen state. In our case, it is necessary that all Algerian regions on French territory rebel equally strongly).
It is also important to set “No garrison” so that subordination grows as efficiently as possible. The AI ​​cannot change this, so everything will be fine.

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

With the help of these commands you can select the country with divisions , because they are “nak*d” in normal selection. The insurgent state will receive the number of divisions, depending on the area of ​​the territory in which the uprising took place. After the uprising occurs, you need to write in the chat: “WP + * tag of the opposite side of the war *” (as mentioned above) and we get a dedicated Algeria with divisions.
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Attention! It is impossible to create more than one identical state in this way!
Those. if we have one Algeria in the world, then, highlighting the second Algeria through resistance, we get the following picture:

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

This country will be prohibited from training new divisions, as well as creating and modifying templates. The country will not be playable. If you want to create more than one Algeria (for example), use civilwar as shown in the example below …

Civilwar and annex commands

The ANNEX cheat allows you to instantly attach a specified state to the applying party. An example, sitting on Germany: “annex sov” – and the USSR joins Germany.
Note! If you want the provinces of the annexed country to be national for the applicable country, use add_core beforehand, since this command does not work if the applicant tries to nationalize HIS occupied territories.

Cheat CIVILWAR starts a civil war in the state with the chosen ideology. Examples:
civilwar communism , civilwar fascism , civilwar neutrality , and civilwar democratic .
Everything except the dem-civilwar is written according to the standard (there instead of democracy – democratic) .

This very useful console command will allow you to create clones of states for scripting.
Now I will explain: Let’s start the Monarchical Civil War in Italy …Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Let’s start a Communist (as an example) civil war WITHIN RISE monarchists …
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Now we will apply ANNEX on the rebellious monarchists (you can find out their TAG through tdebug), sitting on Real Italy, or com-copy (it does not matter) and we will get two identical non-warring Italy …
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Because the second civil war was not organized by Duce, he is NOT at war with the communists.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE! If you want to transfer part of the territories of one Italy, to another – do it through the SETOWNER cheat !!! Even if the communists had no claims on the territory of Duce, com-AI would still give them ALL of its territories , because that’s how the game works.

Compliance command

Similar to resistance, only to increase / decrease submission, not resistance command.

compliance [/ b] (or compl + TAB) can be used for both small purposes, such as increasing compliance, so that riots do not start, as well as for more global …
This command makes it easy to create a collaborative government with a submission of more than 80%, and this, in turn, opens up many opportunities.
In the example below, I created controlled by Poland Russia and controlled by Soviets Ukraine ..Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

With the help of this command, it would be possible to create a realistic scenario of the occupation of Germany in 1945, creating four such collaboration zones. But we must remember that some ruling regimes are forbidden to create such governments, in this case, you need to change the party and wait a few game hours (use the ai, [/ b] command so that the AI ​​does not do anything after the time starts), or (if not want to touch time) save and load this game after changing games. This works too.

ALE command

Cheat ale allows you to add any amount of all equipment.
For example: “ale 100000” – Add 100000 of all equipment to stocks. Use to change the balance of power, or to give a weapon to a “nak*d” newly selected country.

NOCB command

Command NOCB will allow you to establish such diplomatic status with other powers as you like. Enter directly like this: “nocb”
there are other analogues of it, but this one is the simplest
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

After you offer something to the AI ​​(for example, creating an alliance), switch to it with the TAG command and accept the offer.
There is ai_accept command, which forces the AI ​​to independently accept any of your requirements WITHOUT switching to it, but in order for it to react, you need to spend one game hour, and in such work, it is advisable not to remove the pause at all without an urgent need (so that by the beginning of the game, the majors did not have time to make a bunch of armies of 1-5 divisions. The player will not be pleased to rake it all out)

Also, this command allows you to dissolve alliances without fulfilling the conditions (which is often silent on the leadership).
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

TELEPORT command

Cheat TELEPORT (or in other words tp) will allow you to instantly move divisions and the fleet across the world map.
Useful if in your scenario there is some kind of war from the start and you need to prepare troops.
It is also useful for withdrawing divisions from the territories of another state, if you have strongly “decolonized” it.

Amplifier commands

To historically reflect stability, support for a war, or a country’s economy in your scenario, the commands come in handy:
ST – Adds stability.
WS – Adds support for war.
CP – Add Command Resource.
XP – Add experience to army, navy and aviation.
PP – Add Political Power.
MANPOWER – Add Human Resources.
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

You may also need (especially for states selected through resistance) the “IC” command. When entered, allows you to instantly build industries and bunkers.

Focus Commands / Recommended with any DLC

There are three commands to control the focus:
Focus.autocomplete – instant completion
Focus.nochecks – taking focuses without fulfilling the requirements.
Focus.ignoreprerequisites – Taking focus in any part of the tree.
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

In fact, you DO NOT NEED to memorize it all,
just enter into the console, after “fosus.” the first letter of the desired cheat, and then press TAB and you will automatically receive the full command.
For example: “Focus.a” + TAB = “Focus.AutoComplete”. Likewise FOCUS.I and FOCUS.N.

With the help of these commands, you can from the start create the PRC or the Chinese Empire in Asian tricks (DLC Waking the Tiger)
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

You can also squeeze those tricks that cannot be squeezed in an honest way and open the country opposite ways of development:
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Decision.nochecks team / recommended with DLC Waking The Tiger

The Decision.NoChecks command (by the way, it is also typed automatically: “Decis” + TAB) allows you to make decisions without spending political power and without fulfilling the conditions :
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Useful if you want your scenario to include the Roman Empire (and you don’t need to annex anyone).

Cheat Research_on_icon_click

This command allows you to instantly conduct research “at the click of a finger” (Also, memorizing is not necessary: ​​”Research_o” + TAB).
But I do not recommend giving out modern weapons to countries if you are doing a 1949 scenario, for example. Because all interest in discoveries will disappear and the cells for research will be empty. At this point, realism is negligible.

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

I use this command, sometimes, to slightly outweigh the balance in someone’s direction and give someone 39th rifles (no more)

Cheats for a political party

Cheat set_ruling_party changes the ruling party to the specified one. Examples:
Set_Ruling_party c ,
set_Ruling_party f ,
set_Ruling_party d ,
set_Ruling_party n .
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Cheat add_party_POpularity will help you make historical support for a particular party.

Examples for com. and fasc. parties: add_party_popularity f 50 (add 50% of the popularity of fascism), add_party_Popularity c -22 (reduce the popularity of the communists by 22%).

You can make a scenario where during the game the AI ​​will change the party (for example, initially set the liberal to a communist politician and add_party_Popularity with 20 command – make there 20% support for the com-party from the start, for example.

Add_autonomy / Together For Victory DLC Cheat

The add_autonomy command allows you to give autonomy points to a state under control.
Let’s say you want not just a puppet (this can be arranged by simply annexing the country with a cheat, and freeing it as a puppet), but dominion!
Let’s say we want the dominion of Malaysia for China:
Enter: “annex mal”, release it as our puppet and enter “add_autonomy mal 1000” and “pp 50”, raise the level to Colony …
Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

And we carry out the same actions again and get the Dominion.
toolpack is able to puppet countries so that they do not lose divisions, but this is the only thing that makes it better than the console, if in fact …

A little about AI logic

-Communist AI always liberates occupied com-states in case of victory over the enemy.
This can be used, for example, like this: Liberate Korea from Hirohito, change the party there to communism, annex it again and begin the Soviet justification of the goals of the war with Japan. We get a scenario in which the USSR (if it won) takes the provinces with claims (if you did), liberates the DPRK, and (for sure) makes the rest a puppet. This can surprise your guests: “Wow, Korea is set free!”
It turns out that you, it seems, did not do anything special, but thanks to the AI ​​logic, an interesting mini-event turned out.
Note, if com-AI fought more than one, then he may not have enough points at the peace conference and everything will not go according to plan

– Democratic AI just doesn’t know how to capture (Unless it’s an event or a pre-planned script). He only liberates the colonies and changes the defeated regime to his own, BUT, you can go for a trick that will create a scenario with a war where a democrat will win and take some regions. Take the United States and Mexico as examples:

Let’s transfer the region of Mexico to the USA using add_core so that Mexico will lose national territories there. Then, using the setowner cheat, we return this region to Mexico.
And, in fact, everything.

Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console

Now, when justifying the goals of the war, the AI ​​of the United States will take over this region , thinking that it will liberate the colonies of the defeated.

– AI also runs free solutions, if any. An example of the simplest mini-scenario that you can do: Give Poland a justification for the goals of the war with Lithuania AND EVERYTHING! Polish AI (If you did not change the party to it) will completely annex Lithuania and will squeeze the restoration of the Polish-Lithuanian union, because such solutions are free. Here you are, an event that will happen in the course of the game itself and over which you hardly need to try.
Last only with DLC Waking The Tiger


Here’s all the basic information of the manual in a nutshell:
– Use tdebug to view detailed information about provinces and their owners.
– Use add_core and setowner to change borders or create new countries
– Use ale to add equipment to nak*d countries
– Use civilwar to create independent copies of states
– Use Focus.autocomplete (and the other two) to create some unique powers (and not only them)
– Use resistance to highlight countries with divisions (and not only for this)
– Use compliance to create collaboration governments and occupation zones.
– Use teleport for the desired location of divisions and transfer them from “exile” (if, for example, you decolonized WB, and the divisions remained scattered around the world)
– Use set_Ruling_party and add_party_popularity to correctly display the party situation in the country
– Use add_autonomy to display the puppet’s autonomy level as desired.
– Use st, cp, ws, xp and pp in order to give the state the correct internal political environment, economy, draft law, etc.
– Use Decision.nochecks for interesting decisions, like the restoration of Arabia.
– Use nocb to create alliances or establish the diplomatic status you need with another country.

Be careful, unpause the game with cheats enabled!, some of them apply to the AI ​​of all states in the world and can cause problems. After a single use of the command, it is advisable to turn it off immediately, so as not to forget later, even if you need it again soon! . Or use the AI command to disable AI around the world. Even before testing your work, save and load in order to reset all entered commands and not accidentally break the test after the game is paused …

Written by -=T_M_D=-

Here we come to an end for Hearts of Iron IV How to create your script/map ONLY THROUGH the console hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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