Halo: The Master Chief Collection Halo 3 legendary

Halo: The Master Chief Collection Halo 3 legendary 1 - steamsplay.com
Halo: The Master Chief Collection Halo 3 legendary 1 - steamsplay.com
When playing Halo 3 legendary, there are some things you need to know. You ALWAYS want a plasma pistol and BR during missions with brutes. Use the enviorment and abilities to your advantage. When you encounter the flood these 3 weapons are very useful. They are the sentinal beam, shotgun and energy sword. on the mission Cortana, just kill flood you have to kill and leave the others.(they’ll probably despawn) This is one of the easier legendary campaigns so if you thought H3 was hard DO NOT play Halo 2 legendary. On the mission halo activate the terminal to get an achievement. snipers are insanely good against the brutes. I think 1 head shots or 3 body shots should do the job.



In this game shotguns, gravity hammers, energy swords, and sentinal beams will be amazing for fighting the flood. 
But for the brutes rockets, snipers ,charged plasma pistol shots, and br’s will be great. 


The arbiter is a helpful (to say the least)he kills enemies and backs you up.[ 
But, the marines if given snipers ,rockets and brute shots they will,umm do some damage.(ESPECIALLY in a passenger seat. 
Halo: The Master Chief Collection Halo 3 legendary 


Thank you for reading my guide it is my first one and hopefully y,all liked it. 
Halo: The Master Chief Collection Halo 3 legendary 

Written by aepayne21

Here we come to an end for Halo: The Master Chief Collection Halo 3 legendary hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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