Gunpoint How to duplicate Fritz Gessler

Gunpoint How to duplicate Fritz Gessler 1 -
Gunpoint How to duplicate Fritz Gessler 1 -

How to duplicate Fritz Gessler!

First, ( Make sure you have the Purple Wirejack ) kill Hightower by dodging his jump, shooting him, punching him etc.
Second, wire the camera to the door. Dive in view of the camera, above the door, so he doesn’t see you. Do NOT let him see you and pull his gun out. As I said, dive above the door whilst interacting with the camera.
Thirdly, climb above the camera, onto the ceiling. Wire the camera to his gun. Dive straight down and his gun should discharge. A second one of him should pop out and then both of them look towards the window.
Gunpoint How to duplicate Fritz Gessler - How to duplicate Fritz Gessler! - 8A4ADCD
Congrats! You now have 2 Gesslers you can beat up.
You can kill them in 2 different ways in 1 run!
You can even make Gessler shoot his untimely twin! Don’t look for an image. It’s more fun if you do it yourself.
I made it easier for you to see the 2 Gesslers by shoving them away from eachother, but they should be right next to eachother when the glitch happens.
Discussion stuff:
Gunpoint How to duplicate Fritz Gessler - How to duplicate Fritz Gessler! - 8D28B99
Even though both guns are highlighted in purple, you control both in one wire, creating this unique image where you hold 2 wires in one click. Don’t know if it costs 8 batteries to shoot both.
Does this work on Jackson: The Truth? I don’t know, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t
Can you dupe more than 2? Never had enough batteries to find out. ( Thanks Tom! )
Killing only one Fritz still meets the parameters for finishing the level, so if you don’t want to do all of this twice, make sure you kill both before you go to the right, assuming you want to.
Hope you guys enjoy killing Fritz twice as much as I did 😀

Written by tymonator

Here we come to an end for Gunpoint How to duplicate Fritz Gessler hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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