God of War Secret Ending

God of War Secret Ending 1 - steamsplay.com
God of War Secret Ending 1 - steamsplay.com

There is a secret ending and it is about GoW Ragnarok

How to see the secret ending

After finishing the story of the game if you go to your home and sleep, you will wake up to years later and you will see Thor. God of War Secret Ending - How to see the secret ending - 88DAA32

What is it about GoW: Ragnarok

There are 3 possibilities;
1: Atreus says he saw Thor in his dream and he came right after fumblewinter ended and it felt like future so this means Thor will come in the beginning of GoW: Ragnarok and we will try to run from him.
2: We will beat Thor like Baldur in the beginning and he will come back.
3: We will kill Thor and get Mjolnir then kill the other gods because we know Kratos will kill more gods in this game
God of War Secret Ending - What is it about GoW: Ragnarok - F117A43


If I did any mistakes I apologize for them my English is not really good. If this guide help please like this guide.

Written by Erme Khang

Here we come to an end for God of War Secret Ending hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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