God of War How to fix Xbox button prompts appearing when using a dualsense controller

God of War How to fix Xbox button prompts appearing when using a dualsense controller 1 - steamsplay.com
God of War How to fix Xbox button prompts appearing when using a dualsense controller 1 - steamsplay.com

A guide on how to fix the issue of xbox button prompts appearing when using a dualsense (ps5) controller while also using the controller wirelessly

Connecting your controller with a usb cable

Simply connecting your controller with a usb cable and disabling steam input should fix the issue and show the correct prompts
God of War How to fix Xbox button prompts appearing when using a dualsense controller - Connecting your controller with a usb cable - E59FE5E
the problem is that you can’t use the controller wirelessly but don’t worry my next fix should fix that aswell

Using Ds4Windows

to make it so you have playstation button prompts while using your Dualsense controller wirelesly is download a program called Ds4windows https://github.com/Ryochan7/DS4Windows/releases – [github.com] 
After downloading the program and making sure your controller is connected to it go into edit like in this image
God of War How to fix Xbox button prompts appearing when using a dualsense controller - Using Ds4Windows - 54EF5E3
then from there go to other and make sure the emulated controller is a dualshock 4 controller and not an xbox 360 controller apply the changes and save
God of War How to fix Xbox button prompts appearing when using a dualsense controller - Using Ds4Windows - DE8E7C3
make sure steam input is disabled and go in game!
doing this fixed my issues hopefully it did for you aswell!

Written by Celltastic

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