Garry’s Mod Deadbeat’s Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure

Garry’s Mod Deadbeat’s Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure 18 -
Garry’s Mod Deadbeat’s Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure 18 -
An in-universe look at the blood-infused world of Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure, a surreal horror light roleplaying gamemode.
Welcome home.



As of the time of writing. IN:LF goes online on the second half of each month. Connections are allowed then. IP: steam://connect/ 
You will need COUNTER STRIKE: SOURCE mounted on your garry’s mod to prevent errors. 
Don’t have it? Get the content here and install it like any filesystem addon: {LINK REMOVED} 
You should download the content automatically when joining. In case of errors, the addons are contained in this collection: 
Basic controls: 
F1 – Help Menu 
F2 – Vote (once for YES, twice for NO) 
F3 – Player Menu (Inventory) 
C – Context Menu 
* Call Korpsman 
* Pay someone (if aiming at them) 
* Options (accessibility, headbob, thirdperson, etc) 
* Role-specific abilities 
B – Unholster weapon/tool 
Right Click – Block/Aim (melee/firearm respectively) 
E + R – Check Ammo (firearms) 
Right Click with Holstered Hands – Carry prop 
Tooltrust is given when you ask for it and we think you won’t abuse it. Prove us wrong, and you’ll never see it again. (Lamps, lights, doors are fine. Lag machines, prop blocking, and drawing rope genitalia on walls isn’t.) 


Every player has a rank assigned to their account. Don’t worry, most of the class warfare happens within the confines of the game. This is a system to keep order outside of the game. 
There are four ranks: 
Foolish – Initial rank given to every new player. As the title suggests, only able to play as a Slave. 
Friend – Most of the playerbase is here. Can play every role except Kommandant. 
Kommandant – Trusted members of the community. Have the privilege of playing Kommandant, and promoting Foolish to Friends. Not much else different to Friend. 
Necromancer – Administrators and developers. 
To get yourself from Foolish to Friend and gain access to most of the game’s roles and features, find a Kommandant who is alive, and ask them to help you. Feel free to ask them questions. Do your best to listen and learn, and once they deem you educated, you will be ascended on the spot and turned into a Friend. 
The process rarely takes more than ten to twenty minutes. If you don’t have the patience for it, you can skip the process by going into the console and typing “quit tutorial”. 
As a general outline, you must know these before being ascended: 
* How to operate equipment 
* How to gather resources (biomass, wood, metal) 
* How to roleplay within the setting, and fit in 


Liver Failure is the last thriving city in the world. Outside, the endless garbled wastes are tainted by ROT. It’s industrious citizens work to keep it in shape, the sanitars keep everyone in line, and the Kommandant rules above all, his wisdom unmatched. All hail. 
Details of what happened to turn the world into what it is are faded at best, and censored at worst. Your own memory (read: player’s imagination) is there to fill the gaps and add flavor to the world (read: roleplay). 
The slaves keep pouring in from the outside. The ruler, merciful and industrious, turns them into citizens rather than biomass. 





Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - Ghost 
A visitor in between lives. A temporary state whose only purpose is to become living, or to cause evil for the living. Scares the ♥♥♥♥ out of people. 
Being a ghost is what happens after you’re dead. Fly over to a sawblade/essence and press E on it to become that role. If you don’t want to do that, you can HAUNT things. 
Be near someone when they take damage or die, and you get Suffering. Suffering can be spent my interacting with machines, props, items, vending machines, and it causes them to malfunction and other trickery, generally damaging the user. The haunting can only be cured by a Korpsman with a lovebox. 
– flying with space 
– being unable to interact with anything 
– only able to be seen by people with Cotardism 
– able to haunt things by spending suffering 
– can become any other role when they fly to it 


Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - Proletariat 
Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure 
The cog in the machine. The blood of Liver Failure. The average Urist. Enter the Proletariat.  
Your job consists of gathering materials, operating machines to produce items (which are then sold back to you by a Dealer, damn economy), and keeping everything in working order. 
– can use production machines 
– can repair metastabilisers (drop gears on them) 
– fuel generators (drop fuel in them) 
– can be upgraded by the Kommandant to gain armor, immunity to poison and free tools 
– can create structures for bones using the [C]ontext menu 


Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - Dealer 
Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure 
If the proles are the blood, the Dealer is the city’s veins. He sells and buys various goods and grows mushrooms for the same purpose. A neutral force, who may supply both you and your enemies. 
– can use the capitalist contraptions inside shops to sell/buy things made by proles 
– can easily acquire planters and fuel them with juice, one of the two resources needed to grow them 
– can be upgraded into a Butcher courtesy of the Kommandant. as a butcher, he can use a knife on corpses to harvest meat, then cook them over a fire for very nice bonuses. 
You can pay others by holding C and using the context menu on someone. 
For your own safety, do not buy things from the contraption until you’re paid. 


Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - Kommandant 
The wise master who rules us all. Donning a fashionable coat with an imposing peaked cap and dead eyes, he orders around the sanitars and does his best to keep everything running at maximum capacity. Incur his wrath at your own risk. 
Can only be played by people who’ve been promoted to Kommandant rank by Necromancers. You can ask for this if you deem yourself ready. 
– starts with a magical Novoluger that can’t be lost 
– using the [C]ontext menu, can upgrade Proles, Dealers and Sanitars into their upgraded versions. 
– using their Kommandant Konsole inside the Kommbunker, can set the taxes and export stocks of items that are overstocked 
– can ascend Slaves (Foolish) into normal players (Friend) 
– can forgive wanted people and declare criminals 
– can /ad for free and gets a unique form of it 
– is very likely to get assassinated 


Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - Sanitar 
Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure 
The infallible protectors of our city. The iron fist of the Kommandant. The brave fighters against the forces of ROT. 
As a sanitar, you’re expected to keep order and clean up any antagonistic forces, such as Cultists, Skinshapes, Scumbags and other undesirables. as such, when you spawn, you can redeem a free, magical weapon at the Kommbunker’s Sanitation Stations, and can pay a very low amount to get better weapons. 
– gets one tooth upon spawning and another when upgraded. teeth are spent at the sanitation station for free weapons (for that life) 
– can shoot machines to clean rust from them, restoring them to working order. 
– can shoot infected metastabilisers to clean them of infection, allowing repair 
– can drag corpses into morgue cleaners for cash, and to clean up ROT 
– can feed rot items and cancer machines to cleaners of crime for a reward 
– can be upgraded by the Kommandant 


Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - Korpsman 
A doctor who treats the living and makes use of the dead. The one who keeps the literal blood flowing, rather than the metaphorical blood. An ally to the Sanitars. 
The Korpsman has a Lovebox which can heal using his own blood. As a bonus, his own blood regenerates at a much faster rate. Besides that, he can re-fuel AUTOSUTURES for money, and can respond to emergency medical calls for more money. One of the few convenient ways to cure disease, aswel. 
– has a Lovebox, which is a medkit powered by their own blood. heals disease too, and is the only way to cure curses, should they arise. 
– can un-haunt machines if they use their lovebox on them 
– can refuel autosutures 
– gets paid for responding to medical calls made using the [C]ontext menu 
– can use a knife on corpses to gain organs. consumed organs give very powerful buffs to the users, such as seeing antagonists (or protagonists if an antag eats them), seeing tumors, seeing cancer machines, and more. sell these for profit! 

ROT – Skinshape

Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - ROT - Skinshape 
A wearer of skins, who crawls and sabotages. The bone knife in the sanitars’ backs. The instigator of the ROT invasion. 
Skinshapes’ job is to cause chaos and make way for the Cultists when they have a chance to appear. Their main way of producing ROT is by consuming half-rotten corpses and turning them into Bloaters, which, after a while, explode and raise ROT considerably. They also want to break metastabilisers to make sure ROT doesn’t go down. 
– can disguise as any currently living person using the [C]ontext menu nbsp;
– can consume [E] rotting bodies to turn them into bloaters 
– when killed, a puff of black smoke and a characteristic sound is played 
– if set on fire, either by a fuel explosion or getting a red hot soda tossed at them, instantly revealed as a skinshape 
– is a massive nuisance 

ROT – Cultist

Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - ROT - Cultist 
The soldiers of the ROT. The invaders from the outside, out to reclaim the last city that stands in their way. Casters of cruel magicks. 
Cultists are the main ROT force, able to spawn after rot reaches a certain point, or able to spawn anytime if you pay one STEM CELL on their sawblade. 
They have a unique stat, MAGICK, of which they start with 3. Using the [C]ontext menu, they can create a dark altar, and then summon magical weapons from it, and cast rituals when near an altar. Rituals cost magick, and need a certain amount of other cultists/antagonists near them to be cast. 
You can gain more magick by [E]ating tumors and then using an altar. Invest in organs that show tumors to speed this up. Also, feeding corpses to tumors raises ROT. 
– has 3 max magick. can summon weapons from altars and do all the things mentioned above. 
– has a cultist [/r]adio to talk with each other 
– slots open up when EVIL APPROACHES 
– can build supportive buildings using the [C]ontext menu near an altar, that drain despair, heal them, break production machines… 


Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - Scumbag 
A tumor on society. A crowbar in the night. Loyal to no one, not the Komm, not the Rot. Only here for the bones. 
Scumbags are independent thieves who steal bones from people and generally cause trouble. They aren’t on ROT’s side, and are generally shot on sight, except by others like them. They are, however, very profitable, and very scary if you’re caught off guard. 
– cant use guns (even if you own them) 
– has a magical shank they can’t lose 
– steals bones from any target they melee. theft of bones is based on damage dealt 

— WORK —




To do work, you need materials. Materials are generally of three types: 
WOOD (used in tool machines) – obtained from SHARP OBJECT + TREE 
METAL (used in almost all machines) – obtained from BLUNT OBJECT + BOULDER 
FLESH (or biomass. used to make food) – obtained from ANYTHING + BONE CAPSULE 
Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure 


Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - TOOL/DEVICE/GUN Machine 

LUNCH Machine

Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - LUNCH Machine 


Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - GENERATOR 


Garry's Mod Deadbeat's Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure - REFINERY 


This guide is nowhere near conclusive. 
If there’s something missing that you think should be in, comment it on this guide. 

Written by .2

This is all for Garry’s Mod Deadbeat’s Guide to Industrial Nightmare: Liver Failure hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!


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