FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION The Final Fantasy XV Workout Guide 1 -
FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION The Final Fantasy XV Workout Guide 1 -
Get ripped, while you have nothing better to do than sit around watching Ignis drive you around.



I’ve found this game is pretty good for getting some exercise while chilling out at the same time. 
All you have to do is different sets of work outs while you drive between locations and earn small amounts of XP and AP. 

10 Sets of 10

Work through this list of exercises, then repeat it 10 times over. Make sure to drink plenty of water and have some good workout snacks ready like Greek yogurt & oats, fruit & nuts, some dried meat & cheese. 
10. Jumping Jacks 
10. Normal Squats (Feet shoulder width apart 
10. Forward Narrow Arm Mills (Hold arms perpendicular to body and rotate arms in narrow circles forward 
10. Reverse Narrow Arm Mills (Same as Forward, but rotate backwards 
10. Normal Toe Touches 
10. Forward Wide Arm Mills (Same as narrow, except for rotating in wide circles) 
10. Reverse Wide Arm Mills (Same as forward, except wide circles backwards) 
10. Cross Toe Touches (Instead of trying to touch your right and left hands to your right and left feet, cross over to touch your right foot with your left hand and vice versa) 
10. Clock-wise Neck Rotations (Lean the head to the right and roll backwards to the left then down and across back to the left shoulder) 
10. Counter Clock-wise Neck Rotations (Same as Clock-wise except start on the left shoulder and roll backwards to the right and the back across to the left) 
10. Hindi Squats (Stand with feet and legs together, keep hands at side and raise forward to shoulder level as the squat descends until the legs form a right angle, ascend and lower the arms while rising, rinse and repeat the motion) 
10. 90 Degree Leg Hang Crunches (Lay down and hold legs up to form a 90 degree angle as though sitting in a chair, use one if necessary to help with posturing but don’t rest the legs or it defeats the purpose, place hands behind head and raise head up as though lifting the chin towards the sky, making sure that the legs don’t move) 
10. Reverse Plank (Lie flat, place the hands at the waist or small of back of necessary and raise legs and upper body off the ground at the same time at about a 10-15 degree angle, or as much as the bodies current core strength will allow) 
10. Leg Ups (Lie flat, place hands outward so the body forms a human T, or behind the small of the back for a more assisted position, raise straight into the air and push the torso as high into the air as the bodies current strength with allow, briefly hold then do a controlled descent by folding the legs and lowering the waist back down) 
10. Normal Push-Ups (Make sure to keep a flat back and hands shoulder width apart, look straight ahead and push-up when the chest hits the ground) 
10. 10 Second Forearm Planks (Hold a plank position by taking the push-up position except support yourself by the forearms) 

Work in Progress Note

This guide isn’t currently complete and will be a work in progress as I get around to it, but it should be getting some attention in the coming months. 




Here we come to an end for FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION The Final Fantasy XV Workout Guide hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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