Eximius: Seize the Frontline Levelling the playing field against skilled officers

Eximius: Seize the Frontline Levelling the playing field against skilled officers 1 - steamsplay.com
Eximius: Seize the Frontline Levelling the playing field against skilled officers 1 - steamsplay.com
This is a simple guide breaking down a few tips for fighting other officers, specifically the head clickers.

It is very easy to feel completely outclassed and find yourself in the loop of being under geared and easy prey for enemy officers.

Hopefully these tips help mitigate that skill gap and allow you to keep the enemy in check and seize the frontline.


Some basic tips when dealing with players who out shoot you;

– When possible run as a duo and communicate, putting 2 weapons on target, together makes a big difference. 
– Use AoE weapons to splash them and break their shields, keep in mind once you get a hit on an enemy(also includes AI) they are visible for a few seconds increasing your ability to track them. 
– Retreat, if you are in a bad position sometimes it is best to just disengage, get to friendlies or return to base. 
– The commander is likely to have credits to spare, ask for a battlesuit drop to re-gear after dying. 
– Know your weapons, if you have to fight them up close, remember; 
>the basic Shotgun and shockwave will 2 shot an officer without a battlesuit at pointblank range. 
> SMG will beat an LMG in a CQC fight, but you need to aim for the head/upper body. 
> Bio Injector gives a speed buff and Shield pack makes you invulnerable briefly use them to escape or re-position. 
– Know your battle suits; 
>Ace drones also work as a scouting tool, deploy them to scout risky locations or to distract enemy officers from focusing you. 
>If you are playing defensively Siege turrets are good for watching flanks, but don’t rely on their damage output. 
> Exploit mines can save you from getting rushed, throw it down and it will blind enemy officers, it will also block LoS giving you a chance to run. 
> Assault ability 5 works like a wall hack, allowing you to see through walls(doesn’t work on bushes though). 
> Orion decoys and shock mines allow you to distract enemy officers and control engagements, you can have 3 shock mines deployed at once, use them liberally, if in doubt just RUN. 
> Berzerker Kinetic absorber will absorb damage and then throw it back, use it to intimidate enemies or get behind cover. 
The slam is a 360 AOE as long as no enemy is in your crosshair, use it when you are being chased. 

Written by Tren

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