Empyrion – Galactic Survival How to start a vessel on a planet Guide

Empyrion – Galactic Survival How to start a vessel on a planet Guide 1 - steamsplay.com
Empyrion – Galactic Survival How to start a vessel on a planet Guide 1 - steamsplay.com

How to start a new vessel on a planet with out a balancing act or over complicated beam or arm.

How to start a vessel on a planet

I have tried many things and found this to be the easiest way to start any vessel when I am on a planet.
I use a “Mechanics pit” to work on my ships, its about 8 blocks long and three blocks wide with the middle blocks taken out. All you really need is
( Three blocks , I use wood because i’m cheap, I place my vessel starter core on the middle block and then add two ship blocks to both side’s so I “catch” the two wood side blocks. Murphy will tip you ship forward or backward if you only put one block on each side lol. I then remove the center block and I have my core in place and fairly sturdy).
I park my HV and SV on top all the time to make changes or fixes. I attach it to my base but add ramps so it’s not in my way when running around shooting attacking drones. I add a light inside so if I am working on top and want to drone around under my ship I wont have to run back and forth to provide my personal light.
You could make a big one for CV’s, but I use template and modify my big ships, not a great engineer ( didn’t really like space engineers ).
I have made arms and pillars and dug holes, but I ended with this method, their may be other better or cooler ways, but for cheap, fast, easy, I like this way the best. No tricks, just three blocks.

Written by DocThugx

Here we come to an end for Empyrion – Galactic Survival How to start a vessel on a planet Guide hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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