Dinkum Transferring Animals/Pets Guide

Dinkum Transferring Animals/Pets Guide 1 - steamsplay.com
Dinkum Transferring Animals/Pets Guide 1 - steamsplay.com

Your first pen is too small? Having trouble moving your chickens? Can’t pick them up? Look no further!

Transferring Animals

Easy Steps to follow to transfer your pets.
1. When your new location for an animal pen is ready, pick up all the old feeders and animal housing then put them in your bag.
Dinkum Transferring Animals/Pets Guide - Transferring Animals - FF67140
2. Place the feeders and housing on the new location then go back to the first location.
3. Dismantle the fences of the original animal pen you made so that your pets can walk out easy.
4. Now you have to whistle to your pets so that they follow you by pressing Enter on the keyboard and clicking on the Whistle Icon.
Dinkum Transferring Animals/Pets Guide - Transferring Animals - CC3FC65
5. Walk away a few blocks then whistle again.
6. Keep doing step 5 til all your pets are in the new Enclosure.
That’s it for moving your animals. Enjoy the game!
Bonus tip.
Make sure to max the permit for handling pets and you will get the blueprint for the silo. It is used for automatically placing the feeds on the feeding box every morning.

Written by Odiniichan

This is all for Dinkum Transferring Animals/Pets Guide hope you enjoy the post. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via comment, we will try our best to fix how fast is possible! Have a great day!

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