Bitburner – Making the Most of Augmentations

Bitburner – Making the Most of Augmentations 2 -
Bitburner – Making the Most of Augmentations 2 -

Bitburner – Making the Most of Augmentations

Are you ready to take your Bitburner game to the next level? Augmentations are the key to unlocking your full potential in this thrilling hacking simulation. While they might seem daunting at first, understanding how to use augmentations effectively can skyrocket your progress and make each reset more rewarding than the last. Let’s dive into the world of augmentations and discover how to make the most of these game-changing enhancements!

Quick Answer: How to Make the Most of Augmentations in Bitburner

To maximize your augmentations in Bitburner, focus on buying them in bulk (10-20 at a time) from most to least expensive, prioritize hacking and reputation boosts early on, and have a solid plan for quickly rebuilding after each reset. This strategy will help you progress faster and more efficiently in the game.

The Great Reset: What Stays and What Goes

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of augmentation strategies, it’s crucial to understand what happens when you install these powerful upgrades. Picture this: you’re about to hit that “Install Augmentations” button, and suddenly, you’re filled with a mix of excitement and anxiety. What will you lose? What will you keep? Let’s break it down:

What Gets Reset:

  • Experience and Stats: Say goodbye to all that hard-earned experience! Your hacking, strength, charisma, and other stats will drop back to level 1. It’s like starting fresh, but with a twist.
  • Money: Your bank account? Wiped clean. But don’t worry, there’s a silver lining (more on that later).
  • Programs and TOR Access: Those handy programs you’ve collected? Gone. Your backdoor to the dark web? Locked tight.
  • Purchased Servers: Any extra computing power you’ve bought? Poof! Vanished into the digital ether.
  • Hacknet Nodes: Your passive income network? Reset to zero.
  • Reputation and Jobs: All that schmoozing with companies and factions? Back to square one.
  • Stocks: Your Wall Street dreams? Put on hold. All investments are liquidated.

What Stays Intact:

  • Home Server Upgrades: Good news! The RAM and cores on your home server stick around. This is why upgrading your home base is so crucial.
  • Augmentations: Obviously, the augmentations you just installed are here to stay. That’s the whole point, right?
  • Scripts: Your coding masterpieces survive the reset. No need to rewrite your hacking algorithms!

Strategic Augmentation Acquisition: Your Path to Power

Now that we know what we’re dealing with, let’s talk strategy. Buying augmentations isn’t just about grabbing whatever looks cool. It’s an art form, and I’m here to help you master it.

The Bulk Buy Bonanza

Here’s a little story from my early Bitburner days. I used to get excited and buy augmentations one at a time, eagerly installing each new upgrade. Big mistake! I was constantly resetting and struggling to get back to where I was. Then, I learned the secret of bulk buying.

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau

This quote perfectly encapsulates the bulk buying strategy. Here’s how it works:

  1. Save, save, save: Hold off on buying augmentations until you can afford 10-20 at once. It might feel slow at first, but trust me, it’s worth it.
  2. Prioritize power: When you’re ready to buy, start with the most expensive augmentations and work your way down. This minimizes the cost increase for each subsequent purchase.
  3. Focus on functionality: In the early game, prioritize augmentations that boost your hacking skills and faction reputation gain. These will help you progress faster after each reset.

The Faction Frontier

Don’t limit yourself to just one or two factions. The Bitburner world is vast, and different factions offer unique and powerful augmentations. Here’s how to expand your faction horizons:

  • City hopping: Each city has its own factions. Consider moving to places like Aevum, which offers potent early-game augmentations.
  • Diversify your portfolio: Join hacking factions, crime syndicates, and corporate groups. Each offers different augmentations that can complement your playstyle.
  • Backdoor bonanza: After a reset, make it a priority to backdoor faction servers. This can fast-track your membership and unlock those juicy augmentations quicker.

The Phoenix Strategy: Rising from the Ashes of Reset

You’ve just installed a batch of shiny new augmentations, and boom! You’re back to basics. Don’t panic! Here’s your roadmap to quickly regain your footing:

1. Hack Your Way Back to the Top

Focus on boosting your hack skill ASAP. Here’s a quick script to get you started:

// Early game hacking script
while(true) {
    await hack('n00dles');

Run this on the n00dles server to start building your hacking skills and earning some cash.

2. Education is Key

Don’t forget about studying! Hit up the university and take some computer science courses. It’s a great way to boost your hacking skills quickly.

3. Get a Job (But Don’t Focus Too Much)

Early on, consider getting a job at a place like Joe’s Guns. Work “unfocused” to earn some steady income while you’re busy with other tasks.

4. Prioritize Your To-Do List

After a reset, focus on these key tasks:

  1. Establish a reliable hacking income
  2. Access the TOR network
  3. Acquire port crackers
  4. Gain root access to as many servers as possible
  5. Backdoor faction servers
  6. Start buying servers for extra RAM

Advanced Tips for Augmentation Mastery

Cracking the Code Contracts

Coding contracts are like hidden treasure in Bitburner. They can provide massive boosts to your progress. Here’s a pro tip: always quit all jobs before solving a coding contract. This ensures you get cash rewards instead of company reputation.

The Automation Revolution

As you progress, focus on automating everything you can. Bitburner provides APIs that allow you to automate nearly every aspect of the game. This makes bouncing back after a reset much easier and faster.

The Charisma Conundrum

Many players wonder, “How to gain charisma in Bitburner?” While it might seem less important than hacking skills, don’t neglect your charisma. It can be crucial for certain factions and jobs. Consider taking university courses or doing social activities to boost this stat.

Server Savvy

A common question is, “How many servers can I have in Bitburner?” The answer depends on your hacking level and available funds. Start small and gradually expand your network. Remember, quality (higher RAM) often trumps quantity.

FAQs: Your Burning Bitburner Questions Answered

Q: Is Bitburner resource intensive?

A: Not particularly. Bitburner is designed to run in a browser and is generally lightweight. However, running many complex scripts simultaneously can increase resource usage.

Q: What’s the best crime in Bitburner?

A: The “best” crime depends on your stats and goals. Early on, “Shoplift” can be good for quick cash. As you progress, “Homicide” becomes more profitable but riskier.

Q: How much are servers in Bitburner?

A: Server costs vary based on RAM. They start at $110,000 for 2GB and increase exponentially. Always calculate if the investment is worth it compared to upgrading your home server.

Q: What are the best augmentations to get in Bitburner?

A: Early on, focus on augmentations that boost hacking skills and faction reputation gain. As you progress, look for augmentations that enhance multiple stats or provide unique benefits.

Q: How do I open multiple ports in Bitburner?

A: You need different programs for each port (e.g., BruteSSH.exe, FTPCrack.exe). Create or buy these programs, then use them in your scripts to open multiple ports.

Conclusion: Your Augmented Future Awaits

Mastering augmentations in Bitburner is a game-changer. With these strategies and tips, you’re now equipped to make the most of every reset, climbing higher and hacking deeper with each cycle. Remember, patience and planning are your best friends in this digital world. So, are you ready to revolutionize your Bitburner experience? Your augmented future is just a reset away!

Happy hacking, and may your augmentations be ever in your favor!

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