Bitburner How to Run Multiple Scripts Without Writing Scripts

Bitburner How to Run Multiple Scripts Without Writing Scripts 1 -
Bitburner How to Run Multiple Scripts Without Writing Scripts 1 -

To save myself time between runs, I use the basic beginner while true hack() loop and manually creating it using nano as you would in the tutorial but my use of it is different.
When I run the process I pass itself as an argument as such.. test.script test.script
I do this adding one arg var to be pass in each time, it does not have to be named the same but may as well to save time. As far as I know the script passed goes nowhere as its not processed so any script should work so long as it exist on the node.
Then I would continue.. test.script test.script test.script etc.. Until the RAM is used up.
This creates unique script processes that all earn as they would have run uniquely generated names only using the basic starter script re-configured to target server name of course.

Example: Active process view

Bitburner How to Run Multiple Scripts Without Writing Scripts - Example: Active process view - 87E41CE

Example: Inputting Script as Argument

Bitburner How to Run Multiple Scripts Without Writing Scripts - Example: Inputting Script as Argument - D7EC888

Written by spydre555

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1 Comment

  1. You can also just use -t number as args. Will make the script use multiple threads. works the same as spamming those scripts, just takes less time. u can check if the amount of threads you want to use is too much or not by using mem hack.script -t 1 and it will show you how much ram it needs, then just divide the server’s free ram with the amount of ram the script needs. and round up downwards. then use those threads and ez profit ur script will now run 10x instead of once.

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