Bitburner – Basic Hacknet Manager Guide

Bitburner - Basic Hacknet Manager Guide 2 -
Bitburner - Basic Hacknet Manager Guide 2 -

Bitburner – Basic Hacknet Manager Guide

Hey there, fellow hackers! Ready to dive into the world of Bitburner and master the art of Hacknet node management? You’re in the right place! This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about setting up a basic Hacknet manager. Whether you’re a newbie or looking to up your game, we’ve got you covered.

Quick Answer: How to Manage Hacknet Nodes in Bitburner

To manage Hacknet nodes efficiently in Bitburner, create a script file with a .js or .ns extension, copy the provided code into it, and run it in the Bitburner terminal. The script automates node purchases and upgrades, optimizing your Hacknet performance.

Getting Started: Your First Hacknet Manager

Let’s kick things off by creating your very own Hacknet manager script. It’s easier than you might think! Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Fire up your favorite code editor (mine’s VSCode, but use whatever floats your boat).
  2. Create a new file and give it a snazzy name like “hacknet-manager.js” or “node-master.ns”.
  3. Copy and paste the code we’ll provide below into your new file.
  4. Save it and get ready to run it in the Bitburner terminal!

Pro tip: Make sure you’re using either a .js or .ns file extension. The old .script format won’t work with this code, so don’t get caught out!

The Heart of the Operation: The Code

Alright, here’s where the magic happens. This script is your ticket to Hacknet management bliss:

/** @param {NS} ns **/
export async function main(ns) {
    function myMoney() {
        return ns.getServerMoneyAvailable("home");
    // This script is designed to manage Hacknet nodes
    // To prevent excess spending, it limits purchases to half the player's money
    var nodes = 0;
    var ref = 0;
    while (true) {
        // Sleep for a second to prevent the loop from crashing the game
        await ns.sleep(1000);
        // Buy a node if we have more than twice the money needed
        if (ns.hacknet.getPurchaseNodeCost() < myMoney() / 2) {
            ref = ns.hacknet.purchaseNode();
            ns.print("Bought node hn-" + ref);
        nodes = ns.hacknet.numNodes()
        for (var i = 0; i < nodes; i++) {
            // Check if node's level is a multiple of 10
            var mod = ns.hacknet.getNodeStats(i).level % 10;
            // Buy level node to the nearest multiple of 10 if we have double the money needed
            if (ns.hacknet.getLevelUpgradeCost(i, 10 - mod) < myMoney() / 2) {
                ns.hacknet.upgradeLevel(i, 10 - mod);
                ns.print("Node hn-" + i + " leveled up");
            // Upgrade RAM
            if (ns.hacknet.getRamUpgradeCost(i) < myMoney() / 2) {
                ns.print("Node hn-" + i + " RAM upgraded");
            // Upgrade cores
            if (ns.hacknet.getCoreUpgradeCost(i) < myMoney() / 2) {
                ns.print("Node hn-" + i + " core upgraded");

Don’t worry if it looks a bit intimidating at first. Let’s break it down piece by piece.

Understanding the Code: A Closer Look

This script is like your personal Hacknet butler. Here’s what it does:

  • It checks how much money you have and makes sure not to spend more than half of it. Smart, right?
  • It buys new Hacknet nodes when you can afford them.
  • For each node you own, it upgrades the level, RAM, and cores when you have enough cash.
  • It levels up nodes in multiples of 10 for efficiency.
  • The script runs in a loop, constantly checking and upgrading as you earn more money.

The Power of Hacknet Nodes

Now, you might be wondering, “Why should I care about Hacknet nodes?” Well, let me tell you, these little guys are the unsung heroes of early-game Bitburner. They’re like having a team of mini-hackers working for you 24/7, pumping out a steady stream of income even when you’re offline.

When you’re just starting out and your hacking skills are still in the “I can barely hack a toaster” phase, Hacknet nodes are your best friends. They’re reliable, they don’t complain, and they work while you sleep. What’s not to love?

Advanced Hacknet Management: Taking It to the Next Level

Once you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to level up your Hacknet game. Here are some pro tips to squeeze every last bit of performance out of your nodes:

1. Focus on Break-even Time

Think of each upgrade as an investment. Which one will pay for itself the fastest? That’s your break-even time. Sometimes, upgrading RAM might give you a quicker return than leveling up. Do the math and prioritize the upgrades that’ll make you rich quicker!

2. Keep a Cash Reserve

Don’t blow all your money on Hacknet upgrades! Modify the script to keep a cash reserve. This way, you’ll always have money for other important stuff, like buying that sweet new server or upgrading your hacking programs.

3. Plan for the Node Limit

Here’s a little secret: you can only have 30 Hacknet nodes. I know, I know, it’s sad. But knowing this helps you plan better. As you approach the limit, focus on maxing out each node’s performance instead of buying new ones.

My Hacknet Journey: A Personal Tale

I’ll never forget my first attempt at managing Hacknet nodes. Picture this: me, a newbie hacker, excitedly running my first script. At first, I thought I was a genius. “Look at all these nodes I’m buying!” I shouted to my cat (who was thoroughly unimpressed).

But then reality hit. I’d spent all my money on nodes and upgrades, leaving me broke and unable to do anything else. It was like buying a fleet of cars but not having any gas money. Oops.

That’s when I learned the importance of balance. This script? It’s the result of that hard-learned lesson. Now, I can sit back, relax, and watch my Hacknet empire grow without breaking the bank.

Wrapping Up: Your Hacknet Future

And there you have it, folks! Your ticket to Hacknet management mastery. With this script in your arsenal, you’re well on your way to becoming a Bitburner bigshot. Remember, the key to success is balance and constant optimization.

As you grow more comfortable with the basics, don’t be afraid to tinker with the script. Maybe you’ll discover the next big Hacknet strategy! And hey, if you do, drop me a line. I’m always eager to learn new tricks.

Now get out there and start hacking! Your Hacknet nodes are waiting, and those bitcoins aren’t going to mine themselves. Happy hacking, and may your nodes always be profitable!

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