Amazing Cultivation Simulator Proper Management in Building + Efficiency + Sect Stats + Base Game Information

Amazing Cultivation Simulator Proper Management in Building + Efficiency + Sect Stats + Base Game Information 1 -
Amazing Cultivation Simulator Proper Management in Building + Efficiency + Sect Stats + Base Game Information 1 -

How to avoid stagnation and loss of your plot of land


You’ll be spending most of your game time staring at the same plot of land, proper managing it is nothing short of essential and will save you a lot of time


The first problem we have to deal with is that only outer disciples perform work, that means that only the frailest, less efficient part of your sect is able to influence its shape outside of cultivation, and they are guided by the work table (accessible from the right side panel)
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The work panel shows an order of priority for work, if you don’t change anything they’ll perform work in that order, what will hinder you the most is that crafting, miner, logger and peon work are at the bottom of that list, and builder is far above most of the work types, you’re likely to be planning your base out and every disciple will go for builder, meaning you’re likely to take ages to complete anything else if you’re building something.
Another thing to note is that each disciple has a certain skill level at the types of work, meaning they produce better results (crafting/artisanry, chef and healer types of work) or work faster (builder, miner, etc) to get the most out of your disciples have them at least prioritize what they’re best at
The work panel allows you to restrict types of work for specific disciples or prioritize one type over others, this allows you to set them to work specific jobs and keep every aspect of your base functioning at the same time.
I’ll go over briefly what each work type does

  • Firefighter
    Keep this on always, firefighting doesn’t take long (they just punch the fire until it’s gone) and avoids situations where fire spreads, and most things are flammable here, this will be specially useful when cooking
  • Healer
    This is the work type where skill matters the most, pick someone to focus on this over everything else, give them acupunture needles and hope for the best because this is the one that will keep everyone alive, while this is a work type that inner disciples can do, it’s better to have one very skilled outer disciple take care of it since its success based.
  • Chef
    Surprisingly not really that important, outer disciples eat whatever they can find and won’t matter that much and inner disciples don’t eat, this comes in handy when you start getting physical cultivators since they are picky about what they eat, you should restrict this type for the skilled only though, this one not only has a fail chance that creates spoiled food oftenly, but it also creates fires frequently, the fire can be mitigated by placing decorations that can’t catch on fire and increase the stove feng-shui, which is naturally bad, building a stove might be hard because of the known bug, try building it in another place and moving it to the right place
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  • Hunter
    Outer Disciples Suck at hunting, they are far more likely to get injured while doing it, pick someone who is good at the battle skill and give them a good weapon and maybe they’ll come back in one piece, inner disciples can aid outer in this with the defense setting
  • Builder
    Anyone can do this, don’t know why its a priority over the other things, they just go there and swing the hammer
  • Farmer
    Important for keeping everyone fed and producing enough to sell, farming is usually done in one go since there’s not really much work to be done while the plant is maturing, its just a cycle of plant and harvest, how long it will take is mostly related to the size of the plot, doesnt hurt to add a few multitasking workers here
  • Miner
    Resource gathering from Miner and Logger are particularly useful at the start and lose importance as ores don’t naturally respawn, just give your multitasking workers a pickaxe and mark the stones on the map, just remember how frail they are to animals
  • Logger
    Almost the same thing as miner, but logger can have a work role similar to farmer, you just have to plant trees, please give them an axe, not everyone gets happy from punching trees
  • Smith
    Crafting and Artisanry Skill type, the better you are at it, the better result, having a good smith allows you to consistently create those cool variants of weapons that have a different appearance and have a higher rarity (AKA the cool sword you get when you pick that starting skill)
  • Tailor
    Crafting and Artisanry Skill type, the better you are at it, the better result, having a good tailor makes for better clothing that lasts longer, not really that important if you’re not making beast clothing since you can use the clothes of fallen enemies
  • Crafting
    Crafting and Artisanry Skill type, the better you are at it, the better result, I believe you can get a marginally better result from some items on this branch, but usually its just better crafting speed, important to process resources though so keep at least someone with this as priority
  • Peon
    My take on the highest importance job, they move things around and clean your base, doesn’t sound impressive until you notice how faster the other work types go if you have good Peons, this is mostly done by the divine pet, vessels (USE VESSELS), and the mini-universe to some extent


TL;DR keep vessels or good peons, one or two multitasking harvesters, someone good on crafting/artisanry, a good healer and a good chef

Something I’d like to point out about work skill is that Yaoguai are usually very Skilled at some things, my personal favorites are cat (for crafting types) and wolf (for heavy duty work), if you want to keep an yaoguai for outer disciple work you should pass their heavenly tribulation and then reverse their cultivation (rebirth pill or soul pearl miracle)


While you can neatly organize your workers to the best of your skill, it wont matter much if they don’t want/can work, to avoid these issues you should take a few things in mind

  • Keep them in good shape, Health is usually how your workers end up doing nothing, if they have some Qi Disorder use the miracle “Panacea” on them, if they have some lost limbs use the miracle “Reconstruction” on them, if they have something in between have a good healer or you’re screwed, throw in a few pain relievers (medicine table) and hope for the best, toothache is going to get you and your disciples angry if left alone.
  • Keep them fed, Food could be overlooked if you’re in a pinch, but they get a mood negative from eating uncooked food, whenever possible have a working cook, obviously not eating will kill them.
  • Keep them at nice Temperatures, the Summer is always too hot, the Winter is always too cold, if it’s not influencing their mood it will outright kill them, this will prove to be one of the hardest tasks since you can’t regulate the temperature of your entire sect with ease, you should either give them a heat/cold resistance talisman (default talisman, better version supreme yin/yang from random event), or clothing made from beast hide (check the properties of the material when you hover over it in the crafting menu), you can also spend a long time figuring out a good way to control the temperature of your entire sect using items like fire and ice essence bar or stronger materials, but its almost impossible to get it right, the temperature in a room is uniform throughout the room, but rooms are limited to 400 units, its less than you think, manually dealing with this is also time consuming since it requires you to place and remove items on displays manually, they do come with a “Smart Dresser” mode, that will make them switch to clothes appropriate to the season but this usually is not enough.
  • Keep their Mood high, that`s usually easy, give them good clothing (blue or higher rating of quality), a weapon, dont kill their lovers, give them a good room with good feng-shui (more later) and they should be happy, outer disciples are easy to please.
  • Give them Buffs, some talismans have specific buffs useful for certain types of work, usually those don’t matter, what you’re looking for are speed talismans, you want your disciples to be faster and the game sure helps you to do that, the main talisman recipe for move speed is a starting one, also raise their stats through miracles (see True Alchemy Law) and don’t use slow yaoguai, turtles are always a challenge.

TL;DR Give them Beast Clothing, good feng-shui room, speed talisman and some drugs


Building and Feng-Shui

You’ll have to learn the basics of feng shui to build a strong sect, what you have to learn is simple, the arrows on the outside mean the element is feeding another, the arrows on the inside mean the element is inhibiting another
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Yes, feng shui is relevant in other parts of the game such as damage
To even be able to read feng shui you’ll need an “Observatory”, which can be built from the Sect tab in the build menu
Just follow a few rules to build rooms that don’t have terrible feng-shui

  • Door Placement
    Simple and Straightforward, don’t disobey it, Bedrooms face South, Workshops face East (Including Artifact Crafting and Alchemy Stations), Kitchens face West. Place ONLY ONE ENTRANCE, it can be a double door just don’t place multiple doors it will destroy your feng shui from leakage
  • Element
    EARTH ROOMS WITH METAL BUILDINGS. You should use one element to build almost everything in the room, the exceptions are the “core buildings” of the room, like a bed is to a bedroom, these you want to build of the element that is fed by whatever you used on the rest, while you can build stuff with whatever feeding relation you want it’s not advisable to use Fire or Water, since these influence temperature, wood is left out too since its in the middle, only positive relation left is earth and metal, and it works wonders, use it whenever possible, there are also materials without elements like spirit stones, they naturally carry good feng-shui so you won’t have to worry a lot about it
  • Crampedness
    Don’t build rooms too big or too small for what you want to fit in it, this influences the crampedness of the room, it won’t warn you whether you put too much or too little so you’ll have to experiment a bit
  • Relics
    Don’t worry about this early on, spirit relics just kind of show up, if you have the miracle that can identify it maybe you can make some use of it, a relic with its conditions satisfied raises the feng shui, a relic with its conditions dissatisfied will harm feng shui, stuff every relic you have somewhere far and safe

An Important thing to do while building on your sect is to scatter at least 1 bell in each corner of the map, it makes manouvering outer disciples much easier and avoids their deaths sometimes
I’ll put some examples now, most of these use the Marble-Iron relation since you can easily get marble from the ruins of Taiyi Sect
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Inner Disciples

Inner Disciples are mostly removed from the whole sect mechanic, they use the Leisure buildings to improve their mental state (viewable under the kitchen and workshop in the above picture), sleep in their bedrooms and carry on with cultivation, the most use they show towards the rest of the sect is simple, defense
Much like nobility, they are the ones that take care of most of the attacking parties, outer disciples wouldn’t stand a chance agaisnt cultivators so don’t keep your base without an inner disciple, raiding parties aside your inner disciples can help defending your sect if they are sect to defensive mode
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Defensive mode allows your inner disciples to automatically attack anything that attacks your sect, including walls and outer disciples, which means hunting is not as deadly anymore and snakes wont tear a whole through your base, to make the most of this setting build an outer wall for your inner disciples to maintain integrity
The other useful thing inner disciples (Xiandao) can do is alchemy, it has a ton of useful buffs, as long as you have the recipe
Inner disciples can also (sometimes) take care of burials, healing, hunt manually and perform miracles specific for outer disciples, sometimes they produce the cool works of art in form of Go Diagrams, Books, Paintings and Music Sheets, they are mostly devoid of practicality and can be used for trading and gifting, you can however spectre refine it, create an artifact and rename it so you can rickroll your enemies.
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I find it worth mentioning that you can forbid usage of buildings between inner and outer disciples, sometimes its useful like limiting entry to dangerous rooms for outer disciples but usually I just use it to forbid them from doing weird paths because the well inside a cultivator room was slightly closer, just click the building and select who can use it on the side tab
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Sect Stats

The Sect Stats are viewable from the sect menu (right panel)
They offer useful insight into how is your sect doing and what it is like to others
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The most important of these is the sect reputation stat (yellow circle), this is the number that allows you to “level up” your entire sect (Fortress:0 rep. Sect:500 rep. Paradise:2000 rep), it stops being useful after 2000 rep, since that’s when you unlock branches (in short, more sect leaders that give you small buffs), from the moment you start this number should be going up as you defeat tougher enemies, the higher this number, the harder the attacking parties, by lategame you’ll be facing entire teams of 8 Primordial Spirit cultivators from sects, which you should be able to deal with and make use of, if you can’t, try to lower this number, the only way I know of is to send a terrible cultivator to deal with events, they will **** up badly and come back injured, losing a few points of reputation, be sure to be able to heal him or you’ll have a limbless klutz
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Cultivators don’t really die of hunger, if you dont manually kill them when they can’t move they’ll just live in pain until they’re out of lifespan
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At least you can make a collection out of them
The other useful stat is Sect Standing, whether you act aligning to “Good” or “Evil” changes the choices you get during events and how people perceive you, usually you want to keep this balanced, things are rarely black and white here and you’ll learn to beat people with clubs before debating feng shui
Last stat is Sect Feng Shui, just build stuff with good feng shui, easy, never got it out of cultivated

Divine Pets

The Base Game allows you to have a divine pet to help you on your mundane and cultivation tasks, there are 4 kinds of pets and you can only have one at a time (they share the same “soul”)

  • Dog
    Will appear at your base after a little while
  • Fox
    Will appear at your base after a little while
  • Dragon
    Will appear after you beat the dragon boss
  • Phoenix
  • Will Appear after you beat the phoenix boss

there are more pets, but they are behind DLCs which I don’t own
They are a blessing to your early and mid game, will likely be the best warrior you have for invasions for a while since their progression is broken early on, they also act like vessels, doing peon (moving) work and pets have each their specific kind of toolset to help you, usually not really that important of a difference
Just please train them, when they are hesitant pay mind to what they are asking, you can either have a strong warrior-worker pet or some pest that spreads drugs and attacks everyone
Their diet influences and behavior influences how they grow, you can change their food of choice on bottom menu when clicking on them
Give them a bed, build them their statue (to revive them should they fall, there’s no price just cooldown, they lose no experience), assign defecation spot and other staging areas as outlined above (Bad feng-shui > unconscious enemies, too hot room>defecation and enemy corpses)
Sometimes when training your pet they wont perform an action unless the action is prompted, action is prompted when you set the behavior they are in hesitant to some positive degree, if the pet is not prohibited to do what it asks, it will do right away, some actions come by default maxed on this like train spell and the start sign is never given to the pet since you just give a glance to it, lower the acceptable level of that behavior and set it back to the max to prompt the pet into acting that way and not being bugged

Other Tips

You should farm a bit of each herb available from the herb garden, especially ginseng and linghzi, if they don’t prove as useful to you, just sell to a merchant, 1:1 ratio to spirit stones
Farm wheat in large quantities, its the very basic for food, and farm a bit of cotton, herbs and Gingko
If you’re going to do a boss battle or some big battle, make use of the Bells placed around the map to have your disciples survive, but it would be ideal to promote them to inner disciples and later downgrade them with a rebirth pill


I’ll be developing more guides and adding more to the ones already here, bought the steam version just for this, if you have any questions feel free to add me and ask, the game sure leaves a lot to be found

Written by Locksmith

Here we come to an end for Amazing Cultivation Simulator Proper Management in Building + Efficiency + Sect Stats + Base Game Information hope you enjoy it. If you think we forget something to include or we should make an update to the post let us know via comment, and we will fix it asap! Thanks and have a great day!

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