Abiotic Factor – Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing

Abiotic Factor – Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing 2 - steamsplay.com
Abiotic Factor – Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing 2 - steamsplay.com

Abiotic Factor – Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing

Holy moly, guys! I just wrapped up an 8-hour binge of Abiotic Factor, and boy, do I have some juicy tidbits for you! Buckle up, because I’m about to drop some knowledge bombs that’ll make your playthrough way smoother than mine was. Trust me, you’re gonna want to stick around for this!

Sneaky Tricks and Game-Changing Hacks

Alright, let’s dive right in! Here are the things I wish someone had told me before I started this wild ride:

Office Chair Shenanigans

Get this – you can use an office chair at your crafting station to zip between containers and your work table! It’s like having your own personal rollercoaster. I spent way too long running back and forth like a headless chicken before figuring this out. Don’t be like me, folks!

Scrap Collection 101

Listen up, newbies! When you’re wielding that hammer, right-click to tear apart furniture and rake in that sweet, sweet scrap. Even if you mess up, you’ll still get more pieces than you bargained for. Oh, and here’s a pro tip: some stuff, like those pesky office desks, can only be demolished with the hammer. Trust me, I learned that one the hard way!

H2Oh Yeah!

Water coolers are scattered around like candy, but here’s the deal: hit up those sinks first! Just make sure you remember where those coolers are for when you’re dying of thirst later. And hey, why not bring a couple of empty containers to fill up with that wild water? Future you will thank present you, I promise!

Anvil Access: Secret Agent Style

Okay, picture this: you’re in that first vent section, saving your buddy, when suddenly – BAM! Power outage. That fan that was spinning like crazy? It stops dead in its tracks. Congratulations, you’ve just unlocked a secret passage to a set of rooms with an anvil inside. It’s like finding the holy grail, I’m telling ya!

Bot Busting Bonanza

Security bots got you down? No worries! Grab a tall lamp and voila – instant spear! Or if you’re feeling fancy, whip up a crossbow with about 25 darts. Aim for that glowing eye and watch ’em drop like flies. It’s like robot whack-a-mole, but way more satisfying!

Third Floor Shenanigans

Wanna reach the third floor? Here’s the lowdown: Head to that flooded office on the second floor, jump into the ceiling (yeah, you heard me), take the vent above to the locked stairwell, and unlock that bad boy. Slap down a piece of furniture, and bam! Third floor access, baby! Chat up the scientist for that sweet hacking device schematic, use the elevator, obliterate three security bots, build the components, construct the hacking device, and strut your way into silo 3 like you own the place!

Hotbar Hotshot

Wanna feel like a total badass? Use hotbar swapping to shoot faster than Quickdraw McGraw. It’s a game-changer in those oh-crap moments!

Respawn Bonanza

Here’s a little secret: ditch a sector for a while, and boom! Facility reset. Most materials respawn like magic. Portal worlds? They refresh daily, complete with a handy text cue in the bottom right. Just don’t expect those big-ticket items like computers and furniture to pop back up unless you’ve tweaked those sandbox settings.

Juice Me Up, Scotty!

Recharge stations are scattered around like Easter eggs. In the starting office sector, there’s one right next to that security guard in the lobby. Just equip whatever needs a boost and give that station a love tap. Instant recharge!

Bridge Building for Dummies

Get this – use a platform cart as a support for your bridge, and it’ll stay put even after you yank it out! And if you’re feeling extra clever, plop that cart on a coffee table for some floating supports. Instant doorway, no crouching required! Just don’t try this with the forklift, unless you want a face full of floor.

Robot Rumble Tips

Flying solo against those metal menaces? That perk that adds +3 damage to weapons? It works on broken ones too! And here’s a sneaky trick – climb on top of charging stations to rain down pain, or lure those suckers into wet electricity hazards. Oh, and kicking open doors? It’s like a secret weapon. POW!

Water, Water Everywhere

Flathill’s got an endless supply of fresh water, folks! Bring every water dispenser you can get your hands on, fill ’em up, and haul that liquid gold back home. It’s like hitting the hydration jackpot!

Hot-Bar Houdini

Wanna free up a hot-bar slot for more goodies? Stick that hacker in an equipment slot! It’s a lifesaver if you bite the dust and need to keep some gear handy.

Home Sweet Anywhere

Who says you can’t build a base wherever you want? Daisy chain those electronics, baby! Use plug strips or, even better, batteries to create your own personal power line. It’s like playing connect-the-dots, but way cooler!

Vending Machine Madness

Listen up, survivalists! Those vending machines scattered around? They’re not just decoration. Stock up on snacks and drinks like there’s no tomorrow. Trust me, when you’re knee-deep in alien goo and your stomach’s growling louder than a bear, you’ll be glad you’ve got a Pocket Full o’ Snacks™!

Net Yourself Some Safety

Crafting throw nets early on? Best. Decision. Ever. These babies can immobilize smaller baddies and even slow down the big ones. It’s like having your own portable alien-trapping superpower!

Vent Crawling Adventures

See a vent? Explore it! I don’t care if you’re claustrophobic, get in there! These bad boys can lead to hidden rooms chock-full of goodies or sneaky shortcuts. It’s like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, but with more dust and possibly aliens.

Radiation Nation

Word to the wise: those glowy items? Yeah, they’re not nightlights. Be super careful about picking up radiated stuff. Carry it too long or eat it without proper prep, and you’ll be glowing brighter than a Christmas tree. And trust me, that’s not a good look.

Hoarder’s Paradise

In Abiotic Factor, everything’s useful. That paperclip? Crucial. That empty can? Life-saving. Even if you don’t need it now, grab it! Future you will be doing a happy dance when you’re crafting up a storm later.

Email Extravaganza

Last but not least, check those emails like your life depends on it (because it might)! They’re packed with juicy hints and clues. Make it your daily ritual, like brushing your teeth or talking to your pet rock.

And there you have it, folks! My brain dump of everything I wish I’d known before diving into the crazy world of Abiotic Factor. Now go forth and conquer, you beautiful space explorers! And remember, when in doubt, just ask yourself: “What would a sleep-deprived, caffeine-fueled gamer do?” That’s your ticket to success!

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