A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide

A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide 1 - steamsplay.com
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide 1 - steamsplay.com

All-purpose guide for general purposes that I will hopefully do better than the last time.

Your home base

This is where you'll go after a bit more travel to gain stats, make weapons, rest, or deposit resources in the event of your untimely death.
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - Your home base - F9FC0D1
The following are key features:


A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - Your home base - C8E7C31
It has four key parts. These unassuming boxes (1 – are the first.
These can be destroyed with a little bit of wood.
Next is the design table (2 – This allows you create completely new weapons or at the very least, the plans. To actually make the weapons you have created, you need to take your materials.
The anvil (3- You can view your plans here and, with the right materials make them.
Fourth, the furnace (4 ) – This allows 2 rocks to be turned into 1 metal. It is generally much more practical. Although you won't need it for your first visit, it'll be a valuable stop if you return alive.


A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - Your home base - E87BC80
This room is very simple. Interact with the right and left boxes to deposit the resource. To withdraw it, you need to interact with the left and right boxes. This is the primary way to ensure lives 2/3 have weapons other than a wooden quill.


A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - Your home base - 2AC1F9E
These are available in your base as well as after boss fights. You can assign full levels of exp to receive perks.


A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - Your home base - 005CA40
There are shrines for everyone (?) of gods allows you to spend experience in the home base to gain stats. You can also gain favor by giving resources, but I suggest that you do not do this until you are happy with your lowest stats.


A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - Your home base - EAB388A
These spells can sometimes be found out in nature, much like telescopes. They allow you to access your entire collection of spells, and let you choose which ones to bring. Although you start with only one spell, they can be difficult to find. However, you will soon get more.


A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - Your home base - D79E6DD
These are the best sights. They let you recover a surge and heal you a little. The extra one will also heal you if your surge limit is exceeded. They can only be used one time per day and cannot advance the time of your day.

Travel Flags

A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - Your home base - 30BA365
These flags mark exits from a given map. The side they are on will determine where you go on the global map grid. You can't use a flag from the same map if you've used one of these. For example, you cannot just turn around and go straight east if you exit west.
Important to note is that they cannot be used when there is something hostile within the vicinity.

Whatever these pillars may be

A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - Your home base - 0DE4103
I'm not sure what these are for, but I'll admit it. They're right in front of some shrines. You can stick your weapon in there with 100% odds. To find out, I'll be playing around with them.


The upper left corner of the screen contains a lot information so I'll just summarize it.
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - UI - 6F670F9


If this bar is no longer containing any red, it is dead.
You will see yellow in your health for a short time after being hit. A surge during this time can restore the yellow area of your health bar.
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - UI - 4710874


Each piece has its own durability. Here, both pieces of armor that I have equipped are damaged but not completely destroyed. They cease to work when they reach zero but can still function through other means.
I know two people who offer metal at a shrine and pick up special steely drops.
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - UI - 2633570


This is what you use for attack, dodge and run. If it hits the darkblue, you can't move and you are also at risk of being stunned by any incoming damage.
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - UI - AC5AFBE
This thin bar is under the larger bar. It indicates how much time it takes for stamina recovery to start. This empties completely when you use stamina. Once it fills back up stamina begins filling up.
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Here you can see your experience and spendable levels. Even if you don't have any experience, you can still use stats to get it. You lose a spendable level if you spend more than what is in the bar.
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - UI - 42B9AB6


This little banner keeps track of your surges. It is your all-purpose emergency heal and destructive shockwave. One can be used to heal and release a powerful blast that damages or destroys most things and pushes away all enemies.
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - UI - 4AF0729


The thin yellow bar that runs between your stamina and health is an indicator of how loud you are making. This can be reduced by walking slower or on different terrain.
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - UI - AB6429F


The stamina bar's cap indicates your speed, which is a sign that you are walking slower. You can adjust your speed using the scroll wheel.
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - UI - 989CAAD


This star is, to my knowledge, an indicator of how close you're to having a status trigger placed on you. The centered lines move towards a point whenever you take elemental damages. Bad things happen to you when it reaches that point.
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - Your home base - EAB388A


These little purple pips are your mana. When you cast a spell, you must use the amount indicated on the spell. If it isn't there, you can take some serious damage.
A Violent Revelry Gameplay Basics Guide - UI - D88D127

Unsorted advice

Switch weapons if your weapon sets itself ablaze.
Do not dodge when attacking. You'll lose your weapon.


Written by Nerava

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