Manor Lords – Guide to Resources

Manor Lords – Guide to Resources 2 -
Manor Lords – Guide to Resources 2 -

Manor Lords – Guide to Resources

Hey there, fellow manor managers! Today, we’re diving deep into the world of resources in Manor Lords. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to fine-tune your strategy, this guide will help you make the most of everything your manor has to offer. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work!

Quick Answer: What are the key resources in Manor Lords?

Manor Lords features several types of resources, including construction materials (like timber and stone), food (such as meat and vegetables), fuel (firewood and charcoal), crops, crafting materials, commodities, and military supplies. Proper management of these resources is crucial for your manor’s success.

Resources: The Lifeblood of Your Manor

In Manor Lords, your success hinges on how well you handle your resources. Let’s break it down:

  • Weather Protection: Unless you’ve turned off weather events, your resources are at the mercy of Mother Nature. Keep your non-food items safe in Storehouses, while food and ale should be tucked away in Granaries. Don’t worry about timber, though – it can handle the elements just fine.

I remember when I first started playing, I left a bunch of grain out in the open. Big mistake! A sudden rainstorm came through and ruined half my stock. Learn from my blunder, folks – always keep your precious resources under cover!

Show Me the Money: Treasury and Regional Wealth

Let’s talk about the green stuff – and no, I don’t mean vegetables:


Think of your Treasury as your personal piggy bank. It’s what you’ll use for things like:

  • Schmoozing with other lords (aka diplomacy)
  • Hiring your entourage and mercenaries
  • Setting up shop in new regions

The main way to fatten up your Treasury is through taxes. Once you’ve built a Manor, you can set your tax rate. But heads up – crank those taxes too high, and you might see some frowny faces around town.

Regional Wealth

Regional Wealth is like your villagers’ collective wallet. You can boost it by:

  • Selling stuff to other regions
  • Upgrading to level 2 Burgage Plots

This money can be used for imports, sprucing up Burgage Plot backyards, or you can skim some off the top for your Treasury through taxes.

Influence: It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know

Influence is your political capital. You’ll need it for smooth-talking and pressing claims. Boost your Influence by:

  • Leveling up your settlement
  • Implementing new policies
  • Kicking bandit butt
  • Upgrading your Church and manor buildings
  • Passing around the collection plate (setting a Tithe)

Building Blocks: Construction Resources

Time to get your hands dirty with some construction resources:

Resource Where to Get It What It’s Good For
Timber Logging Camp Building stuff, making Planks
Planks Sawpit More advanced building
Stone Stonecutter Camp Solid construction
Roof Tiles Clay Furnace Keeping the rain out
Tools Smithy or Blacksmith’s Workshop Crafting
Wooden Parts Joiner’s Workshop Fancy construction
Blocks N/A High-end building

Fuel and Food: Keeping Your Manor Running and Fed


Fuel resources keep your Burgage Plots and workplaces toasty. Each plot gobbles up one fuel resource per month, except in winter when it’s two. Your options are:

  • Firewood: Chop it up at the Woodcutter’s Lodge
  • Charcoal: Cook up some firewood at the Charcoal Kiln


A hungry villager is a grumpy villager. Keep ’em fed with these goodies:

  • Meat: Hunt it down at the Hunting Camp
  • Vegetables: Grow ’em in the Vegetable Garden
  • Berries: Forage at the Forager Hut
  • Bread: Bake it up at the Communal Oven or Bakery Extension
  • Eggs: Collect ’em at the Chicken Coop
  • Apples: Pick ’em from the Apple Orchard
  • Honey: Sweet stuff from the Apiary

Each Burgage Plot munches through one food resource per month, so keep that pantry stocked!

From Field to Workshop: Crops and Crafting Materials


These green goodies are the backbone of your crafting materials:

  • Grain: Turn it into Flour at the Windmill
  • Flax: Weave it into Linen at the Weaver Workshop
  • Barley: Malt it up at the Malthouse

Pro tip: Hover over the crops icon to see how many days until harvest. It’s like a countdown to payday!

Crafting Materials

These are the secret ingredients for your manor’s commodities:

Material Where to Find It
Grain Farmhouse
Flour Windmill (from Grain)
Hides Hunting Camp or Goat Shed
Leather Tannery (from Hides)
Wool Sheep Farm
Yarn Weaver Workshop (from Wool)
Linen Weaver Workshop (from Flax)
Wax Apiary (needs Advanced Beekeeping)
Malt Malthouse (from Barley)
Clay Mining Pit
Iron Ore Mining Pit
Iron Slab Bloomery (from Iron Ore)
Dyes Dyer’s Workshop (from Berries)

Commodities: Keeping Your Villagers Happy and Fancy

Burgage Plots get picky as they level up. Keep ’em satisfied with these goodies:

  • Cloaks: Tailor’s Workshop (Dyes + Yarn)
  • Clothes: Tailor’s Workshop (Dyes + Linen)
  • Ale: Brewery Extension (from Malt)
  • Shoes: Cobbler’s Workshop (from Leather)
  • Herbs: Forager Hut (with Herb Garden upgrade)
  • Candles: For those romantic manor nights
  • Salt: Because nobody likes bland food

Gearing Up: Military Resources

Time to talk about beefing up your troops:

Resource Where to Craft It
Sidearms Blacksmith’s Workshop (Iron Slabs)
Spears Blacksmith’s Workshop (Iron Slabs + Planks)
Polearms Blacksmith’s Workshop (Iron Slabs + Planks)
Warbows Bowyer’s Workshop (Planks)
Small Shields Joiner’s Workshop (Planks)
Large Shields Joiner’s Workshop (Planks)
Gambesons Tailor’s Workshop (Linen)
Helmets Armorer’s Workshop (Iron Slabs)
Mail Armor Armorer’s Workshop (Iron Slabs, needs Advanced Armormaking)
Plate Armor Armorer’s Workshop (Iron Slabs, needs Master Armormaking)

Pro Tips for Resource Management

Alright, let’s wrap this up with some game-changing advice:

  • Location, Location, Location: Put your resource buildings near the goods. Logging Camps by forests, Stonecutter Camps near rocks – you get the idea.
  • Balance is Key: Don’t go all-in on one resource. A well-rounded manor is a happy manor.
  • Trade Surplus: Got too much of something? Set up trade routes and make some cash!
  • Upgrade Storage: Keep expanding those Storehouses and Granaries as your manor grows.
  • Think Seasonal: Winter is coming! Stock up on food and fuel before the snow hits.
  • Smart Staffing: Make sure your critical buildings are always fully staffed, especially during busy seasons.

Special Buildings: The Cherry on Top

Don’t forget about these game-changers:

  • Manor House: Upgrade for new policies and bonuses. It’s like your command center.
  • Church: Boosts influence and keeps folks happy. Plus, you can play around with religious policies.
  • Market: Great for trade and letting villagers shop locally. Upgrade for even more economic oomph.
  • Workshops: Places like the Blacksmith’s and Armorer’s Workshop let you craft advanced goods. Upgrade for more recipes and faster production.
  • Military Structures: Barracks and Training Grounds turn your peasants into warriors. The better the facility, the better the troops.

Wrapping It Up

And there you have it, folks! Managing resources in Manor Lords is like juggling while riding a unicycle – tricky at first, but oh so satisfying when you get it right. Keep experimenting, stay flexible, and don’t be afraid to learn from your mistakes. Before you know it, you’ll be running a manor that’s the envy of the realm!

Now get out there and start building your legacy. Your manor awaits!

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